Integrated assessment of special physical and technical fitness rates in basketball players of various ages and game positions


PhD, Associate Professor M.A. Petrova1
PhD, Associate Professor M.N. Komarov1
A.Y. Zagorodnikova1
S. Kumantsova2
1Russian State Social University, Moscow
2Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, Moscow

Objective of the study was to develop the method of integrated assessment of special physical and technical fitness rates in basketball players of various ages and game positions.
Methods and structure of the study. The subjects’ special physical fitness rates were assessed in the following tests: counter movement jump, 20 m run, a total of 10 jump attempts, 2x40 s shuttle run; their technical fitness rates were tested in 5x6 m shuttle run, complex test, time to perform 40 shots, and a percentage of goals out of 40 shots, as well as by analyzing the subjects’ competitive activities. The test rates were evaluated using the standard methodologies. The study was carried out from September through December 2019 and involved 154 young basketball players aged 14-19 years.
Results and conclusions. The developed standards of physical and technical fitness of young basketball players reflect three quality levels: "satisfactory", "good", and "excellent". The basketball players’ progress was rated with the "satisfactory" mark when they scored 1 point, "good" - 2 points, "excellent" - 3 points. The total points scored in the physical and technical fitness tests characterized their total score: "satisfactory" (16 points), "good" (27 points), and "excellent" (28 points and higher).
The findings prove the applicability of the method of integrated assessment of the special physical and technical fitness levels of basketball players of different ages and game positions, which requires the modernization of control over the training and competitive activities.

Keywords: young basketball players, special physical fitness, technical fitness, integrated assessment, game position, tests.


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