Customized track-and-field sports training and progress test toolkit for success in GTO complex tests
Dr. Hab., Professor V.Y. Karpov1
PhD, Associate Professor M.V. Eremin1
PhD, Associate Professor O.A. Razzhivin2
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Dorontsev3
1Russian State Social University, Moscow
2Yelabuga Institute of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Yelabuga
3Astrakhan State Medical University, Astrakhan
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Objective of the study was to find the most effective physical training tools for success in the GTO Complex track-and-field sports tests.
Methods and structure of the study. We sampled the 1-4-year Russian State Social University students (n=126) for the study in April-May 2019. We tested the sample physical fitness to analyze correlations of the physical fitness test rates with successes in the GTO Complex track-and-field sports tests. The physical fitness test set included the 30m sprint, standing long jump, 3x10 shuttle sprint, pull-ups, deadlift dynamometry, front lean, 1000m race and endurance tests; and the track-and-field sports test set included the 100m sprint, long jump, grenade throwing, 3000m race, and 5km cross-country race tests.
Results and conclusion. The 1-2-year student group success in the 100m sprint GTO test was found correlated with the 30m sprint (r = 0.720), standing long jump (r = -0.658), 3x10 shuttle sprint (r = 0.626), pull-ups (r = -0.615) and deadlift dynamometry (r = -0.595) test rates. In the 3-4-year group these correlations were higher for the 30m sprint (r = 0.792) and lower for the 3x10m shuttle sprint (r = 0.595), standing long jump (r = 0.542) and deadlift dynamometry (r = -0.515) tests, whilst the pull-ups test correlation stayed virtually unchanged (r=-0,520). This means that the 1-4-year physical fitness service should prioritize the speed and speed-strength intensive sprints in the trainings for success in the 100m sprint test.
Progresses and successes of university students in the GTO Complex track-and-field sports tests are recommended being facilitated by prudently designed and managed versatile and customizable physical fitness service within the academic physical education and sports curriculum.
Keywords: GTO Complex, physical qualities, optimization, tests, university students, test data correlations.
Background. The ongoing national Physical Education and Sports “Fit for Labor and Defense” (GTO) Complex reinstatement project gives a special priority to the university and school physical education and sports service modernization initiatives [4, 6] to facilitate progress in the strength, speed and movement coordination aspects for success in the age-specific GTO Complex tests [1-3, 5]. The popular school/ university physical education and sports models, however, are often regretfully distorted in favor of some specific physical qualities/ skills at detriment to the harmonic and synergized physical progress. The available study reports on the academic physical education and sport service harmonization issues are still deficient in quite a few aspects including the modern training toolkits to secure due fitness for the GTO Complex track-and-field sports tests.
Objective of the study was to find the most effective physical training tools for success in the GTO Complex track-and-field sports tests.
Methods and structure of the study. We sampled the 1-4-year Russian State Social University students (n=126) for the study in April-May 2019. We tested the sample physical fitness to analyze correlations of the physical fitness test rates with success in the GTO Complex track-and-field sports tests. The physical fitness test set included the 30m sprint, standing long jump, 3x10 shuttle sprint, pull-ups, deadlift dynamometry, front lean, 1000m race and endurance tests; and the track-and-field sports test set included 100m sprint, long jump, grenade throwing, 3000m race, and 5km cross-country race tests.
Results and discussion. Good physical fitness is known to lay a sound basis for success in the GTO Complex track-and-field sports tests. The 1-2-year student group success in the 100m sprint GTO test was found correlated with the 30m sprint (r = 0.720), standing long jump (r = -0.658), 3x10 shuttle sprint (r = 0.626), pull-ups (r = -0.615) and deadlift dynamometry (r = -0.595) test rates. In the 3-4-year group these correlations were higher for the 30m sprint (r = 0.792) and lower for the 3x10m shuttle sprint (r = 0.595), standing long jump (r = 0.542) and deadlift dynamometry (r = -0.515) tests, whilst the pull-ups test correlation stayed virtually unchanged (r=-0,520). This means that the 1-4-year physical fitness service should prioritize the speed and speed-strength intensive sprints in the trainings for success in the 100m sprint test.
The 1-2-year student group success in the long jump GTO test was found correlated with the standing long jump (r = 0.782), with all the other test data correlations tested lower albeit still significant, particularly for the 30m sprint (r = -0.699), 3x10m shuttle sprint (r = -0.660), deadlift dynamometry (r = 0.634) and stuffed ball throw ( r = 0.596) tests. In the 3-4-year group, the correlations were the highest for the standing long jump (r = 0.862), front lean (r = 0.644) and deadlift dynamometry (r = 0.626) tests; with all the other tests showing lower correlations with success in the long jump GTO test.
The 1-2-year student group success in the grenade throwing GTO test was found correlated with the stuffed ball throwing (r = 0.765), standing long jump (r = 0.740) and pull-ups (r = 0.645) tests. In the 3-4-year group, correlations were significant only for the stuffed ball throwing (r = 0.635) and pull-ups (r = 0.625) tests. We would recommend giving a special attention to the throw technique mastering aspects for success in the test.
The 1-2-year student group success in the 3000m race test was found correlated with the
1000m race (r = 0.883) and endurance rates (r = -0.776) tests, with all the other test correlations found lower with the only exemption for the 30m sprint (r = 0.542) test correlation that was still significant. In the 3-4-year group, correlations of the 3000m race test success were significant mostly for the endurance rates (r = -0.765) and 1000m race (r = 0.733) tests.
The 1- 2-year student group success in the 5km cross-country race test was found correlated with the endurance rates (r = -0.787), 1000m race (r = 0.653) and deadlift dynamometry (r = -0.547) tests; whilst the 3-4-year group showed significant correlations with the endurance rates (r = -0.827) and 1000m race (r = 0.767) tests.
On the whole, the 1-2-year student group success in the GTO Complex track-and-field tests were found significantly correlated with 19 standard physical fitness test rates; whilst the 3-4-year student group showed 14 significant track-and-field / physical fitness test correlations – apparently due to some differences in the age-specific academic physical fitness service. We would recommend the 1-4 year student physical fitness service being complemented by special training tools to facilitate progress and success in the most individually challenging GTO Complex track-and-field sports tests.
Conclusion. Progresses and successes of university students in the GTO Complex track-and-field sports tests are recommended being facilitated by prudently designed and managed versatile and customizable physical fitness service within the academic physical education and sports curriculum.
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