Conceptual approaches to formation of physical education and sports development strategy implementation mechanism in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030


PhD V.E. Khaliulin1
PhD A.A. Shapovalov2
1Volga Region Institute of Management named after P.A. Stolypin, branch of RANEPA, Saratov
2Yuri Gagarin Technical University of Saratov, Saratov

Objective of the study was to define conceptual approaches to the formation of the mechanism for the implementation of the physical education and sports development strategy in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030.
Results and conclusions. The strategy of development of the physical education and sports sector in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 includes 11 priority directions that cover amateur and professional sports. The key strategy provisions are aimed to improve the health and well-being of the population as well as raise the standard of living; develop human resource for the physical education and sports sector, and sports medicine sector; develop the infrastructure of the physical education and sports sector, and sports medicine sector; develop the economical physical education and sports model; develop international sports cooperation, etc. Each domain comprises a set of stand-alone activities aimed to develop the physical education and sports sector in the Russian Federation.
The physical education and sports development strategy is focused on the national goal of preservation of the population’s health and well-being. Several strategic areas prove its social character, which significantly distinguishes it from the 2009 Strategy: firstly, due to the modern trends in the development of Russian and international law; second, due to the difficult epidemiological situation. However, separate areas of the Strategy require detailed elaboration.

Keywords: sports law, development strategy, physical education, sports, target values.


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