Sports selection of junior ice hockey players – systemic logistics of fitness levels in ice hockey
PhD V.V. Krutskikh1
PhD D.R. Cherenkov1
PhD A.A. Gustomyasov2
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
2Pushkin Leningrad State University, St. Petersburg
Objective of the study was to find rational means and methods of testing ice hockey players at each training stage to correct the training process and improve sports results.
Results and conclusions. Having analyzed the contemporary problem of training of elite ice hockey players, the authors proposed a sports selection logistics system to determine the athletes’ fitness levels, including pedagogical observation, testing, and sports performance statistics. To improve the reliability of the current sports selection system, successfully forecast sports results, and effectively manage the sports training process, a coach should regularly and timely receive objective information about the main aspects of the functional fitness of the athletes. The level of development of individual physical qualities in the overall physical, special and technical fitness of the ice hockey players should be assessed in the control tests conducted at least 4 times a year, at the beginning and at the end of the corresponding training period. Also, there is a need for the obligatory statistics of playing activity starting from 10-11 years.
Keywords: beginner training, initial specialization, advanced specialization, sports perfection, pedagogical observation, testing, early developers, ascendant, sports selection, functional fitness.
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