Modern approaches to improving quality of technical-tactical training of skilled sambo wrestlers
G.S. Maltsev1
PhD, Associate Professor A.F. Zekrin1
1Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture, Tchaikovsky
Objective of the study was to conduct a theoretical analysis to identify current approaches to improving the quality of technical-tactical training of qualified sambo wrestlers.
Results and conclusions. The analysis of the scientific literature revealed modern approaches to improving the quality of technical-tactical training of qualified sambo wrestlers. The most effective techniques, methods and means of technical-tactical training were analyzed:
- formation in sambo wrestlers of an arsenal of signature moves and their combinations to be used in a bout;
- improvement of the quality of technical-tactical training of sambo wrestlers by reproducing the episodes of the fight, especially those preceding the final stage of a takedown;
- use of training equipment to improve the level of technical-tactical fitness of sambo wrestlers;
- application in the process of training of sambo wrestlers of technical-tactical training methods, emphasizing the struggle for a hold as its main component;
- technical-tactical skill perfection while practicing various combinations of moves in a stance and in par terre.
Therefore, based on the specific nature of the competitive activity of sambo wrestlers, the greatest demands are placed on their technical-tactical fitness.
Keywords: technical-tactical training, wrestling, sambo, sambo wrestlers.
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