Defensive driving instruction based on safety zones
PhD, Professor E.M. Barienikov
Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
Objective of the study was to substantiate the classification of the driving-situation safety zones to improve driver training in emergency and extreme situations.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was carried out on the basis of the Research Training Centre for Higher-order Driving Skill Training of the Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism. We analyzed the training programs "Safety Basics" (theory and training) and "Active Driver Safety" (summer and winter testing track trainings.
Results and conclusions. Four main safety zones were identified: relative safety zone, risk zone, critical conditions zone, and accident zone. The relative safety zone is the driver’s condition, his psychological, technical, and tactical readiness to make the only right choice to prevent a dangerous accident. The risk zone refers to situations with difficult driving conditions, requires the driver to be more attentive, ready to apply advanced, compensatory, and protective actions, which are strictly timed due to overspeeding. The critical conditions zone includes extreme traffic situations. The accident zone covers various catastrophic situations characterized by the complete loss of stability and control of the vehicle caused by the forced ballistic move of the vehicle with a concomitant failure or impossibility to control it.
The designation of the safety zones within the defensive driving instruction system enables to more clearly formulate the requirements for the levels of training of the drivers and make their training activities more target-oriented.
Keywords: driving instruction, emergency and extreme situations, driving safety.
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