Conscious attention technique as factor for improving hypoxic training


Postgraduate V.A. Shalabodina1
A.M. Volkova1
1Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow

Objective of the study was to improve the hypoxic training efficiency using the conscious attention technique.
Methods and structure of the study. As part of the study, we used the methods of psychological intervention in the athletes in the preparatory period of the macrocycle. The study was conducted throughout the 2020 season. The Experimental Group was made of 30 female rugby players aged 18-35 years. The Experimental Group subjects were then divided into 3 equal subgroups based on the results of testing to determine their level of culture of motor activity, as well as the psychological test results. All the subjects were trained according to the common overall conditioning program, but in the first and second subgroups, hypoxic trainings were added. In addition, the first subgroup trained for the season using the conscious attention technique. The Bronco test was used to evaluate the data obtained at the beginning and at the end of the preparatory period.
Results and conclusions. The conscious attention technique improved the effects of hypoxic trainings included in the pre-season training process. This technique is not suitable for all athletes. The key factor for its introduction is the level of conscious self-dependence. Athletes with a sufficient level of conscious self-dependence and low culture of motor activity should be sufficiently motivated for self-improvement, for instance, by the success of their training partners.

Keywords: conscious attention technique, culture of motor activity, conscious self-dependence, hypoxic training, mindfulness, athletic working capacity.


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