Cyclic sports driven physical education model for endurance building in senior schoolchildren
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Astakhov1
PhD, Associate Professor N.I. Dobeiko1
1Kaluga State University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky, Kaluga
Objective of the study was to analyze benefits of aerobic/ anaerobic cyclic exercises customizable by workloads and intensity for physical progress of senior schoolchildren.
Methods and structure of the study. We sampled for the study senior schoolchildren (n=280, including 175 males and 105 females) from Kaluga. We tested their physical fitness and endurance prior to and in the study to prudently customize and manage the aerobic/ anaerobic cyclic exercise workloads and intensity.
Results and conclusion. The prior tests rated 50.9% and 39.1% of the males and females (respectively) low and poor on the physical endurance scale. We developed a sports-technologies-driven physical education model to step up the physical endurance of the sample, with the individual progress in the aerobic/ anaerobic cyclic exercises regularly tested to step up the workloads and intensities correspondingly. The cyclic workloads were increased in the third sporting hour of every physical education class. The express tests showed that the running practices customized by intensities and workloads were highly beneficial for progress of the sample in the physical fitness and endurance domains.
Keywords: physical working capacity, cyclic exercises, aerobic/ anaerobic threshold, optimal training workload.
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