Level of formation of personal physical culture of non-core university students
PhD, Professor A.B. Bguashev1
PhD, Associate Professor I.K. Gunazhokov1
PhD, Associate Professor M.Kh. Kojeshau1
B.A. Nepso1
1Adyghe State University, Maykop
Objective of the study was to determine the level of formation of personal physical culture of non-core university students.
Methods and structure of the study. The level of formation of personal physical culture of the students was monitored using the sociological research methods (questionnaire survey, standardized interviewing). Sampled for the study were 90 students of the non-core universities of the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea studying under the Bachelor’s degree programs of non-sports areas.
Results and conclusions. The analysis of the obtained data on the level of formation of personal physical culture of the non-core university students revealed that more than 40% of students had a low level of personal physical culture; less than 20% of students had a high level of personal physical culture.
The findings suggest that, since the personal physical culture formation technologies were tested and proved effective, the level of professional skills of physical education teachers implementing these technologies is one of the main factors in solving the problems associated with the formation of personal physical culture in non-core university students.
Keywords: physical education of students, personal physical culture, physical education, sports.
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