Relationship between elite female fencers’ psychodiagnostic indicators and heart rate during functional tests
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor L.G. Ryzhkova1
PhD, Associate Professor A.B. Moiseev1
Postgraduate A.D. Kravtsov1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
Objective of the study was to conduct an integral assessment of heart rate and psychodiagnostic indicators in the female athletes to determine the level of their functional and mental state during functional tests.
Methods and structure of the study. The study involved the elite female sabre fencers standing up for the national interests in the international arena. The subjects’ functional state was evaluated using the exercise, which motor component ultimately reflects the specificity of a fencing bout. Immediate information on the state of the subjects’ body functional systems under special loads and their recovery dynamics were estimated by measuring their heart rate using the Polar Heart Rate Monitor. The level of the speed-strength fitness of the female sabre fencers was determined based on the time spent on the tests at the smallest shifts in their heart rate.
The subjects’ psychomotor responses were assessed in the psychodiagnostic tests, first run prior to the functional tests and then upon their completion. Their mental state was estimated using V.G. Sivitsky’s "Psychodiagnostics" test. The female athletes’ psychomotor and perceptive qualities were analyzed.
Results and conclusions. The integral assessment of the bodily functions in the female athletes enabled to determine the levels of their motor fitness and mental readiness to perform training and competitive loads, especially on the eve of important starts. Timely identification of the shortcomings in the responses of the main functional systems of the females’ body made it possible to adjust the content of the training program by changing the ratios between specialized loads, their volume, intensity, and mental tension.
Keywords: functional tests, dynamics of indicators, psychomotor responses, heart rate, operational assessment of functional state.
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