Effect of personality traits on sports progress of academic rowers of sports perfection groups


Dr.Hab., Professor T.V. Mikhailova1
A.S. Tsutskova1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Objective of the study was to determine the degree of correlation between the personality traits of academic rowers and their sports results and, based on this, develop practical recommendations for improving the effectiveness of the athletic training process.
Methods and structure of the study. Sampled for the study were the 16-18 year-old academic rowers of the sports perfection group (n=24, including 15 boys and 9 girls). The study was carried out throughout the entire period of training for the Russian Championship among boys and girls under 19 years old. It was run in four stages. The rowers were tested at the end of each stage. The findings represent an arithmetic mean of the four studies conducted in the precompetitive training period. The methods applied were as follows: correlation analysis, R.A. Piloyan questionnaire, Yu.L. Hanin questionnaire, Spielberger-Hanin questionnaire.
Results and conclusions. The correlation analysis showed that the contents of motivation for sports activity, primarily, satisfaction of spiritual needs, absence of pain, and absence of psychogenic influences, contribute to the achievement by academic rowers of sports perfection groups of high sports results. It should also be noted that sports progress largely depends on such a personality trait as state anxiety level. The study found a close correlation between a sports result and the athlete’s attitude towards the upcoming competition.

Keywords: personality traits, motivation to sports activity, contents of motivation to sports activity.


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