Corporate human resource health and physical activation programs: efficiency analysis


PhD K.E. Lukichev1
Dr. Med. E.R. Yashina1PhD A.V. Generalov1
Dr. Med., Professor P.S. Turzin1
1Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Keywords: corporate health and physical activation program, benefits, efficiency, progress analyses, healthy lifestyle, personnel health standards, human resource, personnel health management system.

Background. Corporate human resource health programs need to prudently factor in the workplace conditions, environments and specifics. Corporate management shall take every effort to improve the human resource health standards by special working conditions management initiatives. Healthy labor environments are recommended to be designed and managed on a cluster basis to effectively protect and improve the human resource health at work. The corporate health and physical activation program will be designed with application of the best innovative practices for the personnel progress in the physical and mental health and social wellbeing metrics. The leading foreign companies, for example, give a special priority to the human resource obesity and chronic non-communicable disease prevention/ control, mental health and smoking cessation services and initiatives [12].

Objective of the study was to offer a corporate health and physical activation program efficiency rating and analyzing method with a special emphasis on the human resource health surveys.

Findings and discussion. Corporate health is increasingly ranked among the dominant components of the corporate culture, image and operational efficiency the world over. Our national companies also tend to give more and more attention to the personnel health management and healthy lifestyle encouragement systems in their industrial and office spaces. Most popular at present are the human resource health screenings at work and visits to the outpatients clinics (known as the Health Days); occupational stress/ burnout prevention/ control programs; physical training and health sports groups trained in the corporate health facilities; bad habits prevention/ control programs; healthy lifestyle / healthy diets encouragement initiatives, etc. [15].

The human resource health management systems may be highly effective when designed and managed on an interdisciplinary basis with due analysis and synthesis of the available knowledgebase and experiences accumulated in modern medicine, sociology, psychology, pedagogy, cultural studies, jurisprudence and other sciences [5, 8, 11, 14].

The corporate health management initiatives normally use standard corporate health and physical activation program with the human resource health screenings, chronic non-communicable disease risk management, bad habits control, healthy lifestyle / health diets encouragement, motivating for physical activity, mental and physical health and well-being management, workplace optimization, physical trainings facilitation and other elements. Such corporate health and physical activation programs are increasingly in need of the corporate health and physical activation program progress and efficiency rating and analyzing methods and tools.

The corporate health and physical activation program efficiency rating and analyzing methods will be based on the National "Demography" Project complemented by the Federal "Forming motivations for healthy lifestyle including healthy diets and bad habits control" Project. The national Health Ministry classifies the corporate health/ healthy lifestyle programs into the following cost groups [6]: (1) Low-cost and free; (2) High fixed and low variable costs; (3) Low fixed and high variable costs; and (4) High fixed and high variable costs. In addition, the corporate health and physical activation program efficiency may be rated by the relevant long- and short-term medical service and economic performance criteria [3]

It should be mentioned that any social program efficiency may be rated by its benefits in the interrelated economic and social domains. Economic benefits of social programs may be rated by a wide range of economic efficiency test methods applicable to every program element and program on the whole. As for the situation with the social benefits test methods, it is much more difficult as they should factor practical impacts of the initiatives on the life quality and living standards, health, life expectancy, etc. Therefore, it is quite common to rate social benefits of such programs by a range of objective (e.g. cigarettes smoked per day, average body weights, etc.) and subjective criteria (e.g. well-being, activity, mood, sleep and other improvements).

Objective variations may be rated by different social health metrics, questionnaire surveys, etc.; and subjective variations are ratable by expert psychometric analyses. In this context, the corporate health and physical activation program benefits may be rated on the individual and corporate levels as follows:

Individual level:

– Health improvements, progress in wellbeing;

– Working capacity growths acknowledged by the labor remuneration scheme;

– Reduced medical service costs, etc.

Corporate level:

– Falling morbidity statistics;

– Reductions in the sick leaves;

– Reductions in the human resource turnover;

– Improved labor efficiency;

– Growing corporate image, etc.

Individual progress in the corporate health and physical activation program benefits rating analyses may be rated by questionnaire surveys prior to and after some corporate health and physical activation program progress period on a monthly, quarterly or yearly basis, and upon the corporate health and physical activation program implementation is completed. Such analyses may be complemented by specific corporate health and physical activation program progress tests focused on specific health/ efficiency aspects and deliverables.

Another approach implies the corporate health and physical activation program benefits being rated by a 4-level system: overview, analysis, reform and improvement. Such leveled approach offers sets of the level-specific corporate health and physical activation program benefits test methods with the human resource knowledge, skills, healthy lifestyle and occupational health tests and surveys. It should be also mentioned that the Health Ministry’s website offers the relevant toolkits including the corporate health and physical activation program Monitoring and Efficiency Rating Guidelines with the "Corporate health and physical activation program conditions and progress evaluation” and "Sample corporate health and physical activation program outcomes evaluation” matrices [4].

Conclusion. The study analyzes a standard corporate health and physical activation program with its health/ physical activity benefits rating methods and tools; with a special consideration for the human resource health concepts and management methods. Based on the analyses, we offer a corporate health and physical activation program benefits rating and analyzing methodology with the physical activation and health improvement elements and the relevant progress test criteria and analyses.

The study was completed under the relevant Research Project by the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration


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Objective of the study was to substantiate the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the introduction of the corporate health and physical activation program of the working-age population of the country.

Methods and structure of the study. The study was designed to contribute to the National "Demography" Project and complementary Federal "Forming motivations for healthy lifestyle including healthy diets and immunity to bad habits" Project; make an analysis of the corporate health and physical activation program; and rate their progress and actual benefits for the personnel.

Results and conclusion. The benefits of the corporate health and physical activation program were rated based on standards of the Federal "Forming motivations for healthy lifestyle including healthy diets and immunity to bad habits" Project. The corporate health and physical activation program progress was tested by the personnel health and well-being surveys, labor effectiveness and payroll analyses, wages, morbidity statistics with cost estimates; plus the following corporate progress factors: HR health initiatives; labor inefficiencies due to the sick leaves, staff turnover reductions, labor efficiency analyses, corporate image, etc. We should also emphasize that the benefits of the corporate health and physical activation program may be rated by the program-facilitated improvements in the professional knowledge, skills and healthy lifestyle of the personnel.