Conversion of science-intensive sports technologies as sports training system modernization tool


PhD S.V. Mukhaev1
Dr. Hab., Professor L.A. Semenov2
1Basketball club «Enisey», Krasnoyarsk
2Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut

Objective of the study was to provide a conceptual substantiation of the methods of conversion of science-intensive sports technologies based on the characteristics of various levels of implementation of sports activities.
Results and conclusions. The article deals with 3 methods of conversion of science-intensive sports technologies aimed at modernization of the existing sports training systems. Each method has a different scale of problems determined by the specific features of the levels of implementation of sports activities. The first method of conversion implies the replacement of the obsolete procedural part of the training system with a more efficient one taken from the introduced technology.
The second method of conversion implies "adjustments" in the general training scheme that would be most suitable for the conversion purpose and tasks, as well as "adjustments" in different structural-functional components, whereupon a single training system is formed. In addition to the possibility of using it in the modernization of the training systems, the development of the second method of conversion opens a prospect of implementation of the modularity principle in designing sports technologies.
The third method of conversion implies the formation of a system of principles based on the principles that underlie the analyzed training systems and a set of the laws of adaptation, laws of transfer of the training level, and supercompensation laws, based on which the training technology is designed.

Keywords: modernization of training systems, methods of conversion, modularity principle.


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