Motivating university students for sport competitions
Dr. Pol., Professor O.N. Polukhin1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.N. Irkhin1
PhD, Associate Professor I.N. Nikulin1
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Voronkov1
Postgraduate student Y.A. Zagoruiko1
1Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod
Objective of the study was to analyze benefits of the Belgorod State National Research University academic incentives system for the GTO Complex trainings and tests.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was run in 2015-2020 at Belgorod State National Research University using analyses of the relevant research literature; questionnaire surveys; physical fitness tests for the GTO qualifications; and the incentives system piloting experiment; with the survey data processed by a standard mathematical statistics toolkit; and with more than 12,000 Belgorod State National Research University students sampled for the study.
Results and conclusions. The study found that the academic incentives system for the GTO Complex trainings and tests should include (1) moral and psychological and (2) material incentives modules, with the leading role played by the moral and psychological one that include: social appreciation of the GTO Complex trainings and tests; personal physical and mental health improvement agenda in the GTO progress context; awards; progress opportunities; competitiveness; role models provided by the academic sports leaders; communal appreciation; trust; interest; and emotional motivations.
Keywords: incentives system, university students, GTO Complex.
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