Beginner adaptive swimming model for psychophysical progress of children with down syndrome
Applicant G.N. Noroshkina1
PhD, Associate Professor V.K. Klimova1
PhD, Associate Professor Y.A. Strelkova1
A.G. Chebotarsky1
1Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod
Objective of the study was to develop and test benefits of a new beginner adaptive swimming model for children with Down syndrome.
Methods and structure of the study. We sampled for the new adaptive swimming model testing experiment the 9-12 year-olds with Down syndrome (n=20: 6 girls and 14 boys) and trained them for two years by 60min adaptive swimming sessions 3 times a week. We used the following research methods: theoretical and practical research data analyses and generalizations; family interviews; training process observations; and psychophysical progress tests. The new three-stage multilevel adaptive swimming training model included modern aquatic rehabilitation and aquatic aerobics elements and other special exercises. The adaptive swimming trainings were reasonably customized to the individual health conditions and progress needs to encourage good progress of every child.
Results and conclusion. The new beginner adaptive swimming model for children with Down syndrome was tested beneficial as verified by the actual progress of the sample, with every child making success in the trainings. The psychophysical progress was associated with progresses in the movement coordination and speed-strength skills. We have good reasons to conclude that the aquatic rehabilitation and special adaptive swimming practices are beneficial for psychophysical and cognitive performance correction goals with special socialization benefits to facilitate the children’s adaptation to social environments outside the swimming groups.
Keywords: Down syndrome, children, adaptive swimming, psychophysical development, adaptive physical education.
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