Hemodynamic features of athletes’ physical working capacity in view of autonomic regulation type


Applicant S.A. Sherstyuk1
Dr. Med., Professor L.V. Kapilevich1, 2
PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Sherstyuk3
1National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk
2Siberian State Medical University, Tomsk
3Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sport, Omsk

Objective of the study was to identify hemodynamic features of the physical working capacity of highly-skilled athletes under aerobic and anaerobic physical loads taking into account the type of autonomic regulation.
Methods and structure of the study. Sampled for the study were 51 qualified athletes: 17 handball players aged 18-29 years with 10-15 years of sports experience; 34 racing cyclists aged 22-26 years with 7-10 years of sports experience. Both groups were taken as the Experimental ones (EG-1 and EG-2). The study also involved the Control Group (CG), which consisted of 17 healthy young males aged 18-29 years who were not actively involved in sports. The systolic and diastolic ventricular function was evaluated by Doppler echocardiography performed using the ultrasonic scanners "GEVIVIDE 95", "GEVIVIDI". The left ventricular remodelling indices were measured. The hemodynamic parameters of the diastolic function were assessed based on the transmitral flow indices. The racing cyclists (n=34) were subjected to the heart rate variability test (at rest) using the "VNS-Micro" device. We also analyzed the temporal and spectral (frequency) parameters of HRV that reflect the state of autonomic regulation in the athletes. In addition, we determined the differences in the overall endurance rates (Cooper’s test) between the athletes and non-athletes, as well as the cardiac wall motion and cardiac hemodynamic indices.
Results and conclusions. The diastolic indicators of the transmitral flow (E/A, IVRT, ET) at rest can be considered as predictive measures in determining the exercise capacity (both aerobic and anaerobic) of an individual. In terms of the properly organized training process, the athletes’ autonomic regulation, left ventricular geometry, and hemodynamic parameters of the diastolic function at rest did not go beyond the limits of the physiological norm. At the same time, the athletes’ physical load tolerance was significantly higher than that of the non-athletes.

Keywords: adaptation, myocardium, transmitral flow, remodelling, physical load, highly-skilled athletes.


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