Junior dancers' speed-strength abilities building process at initial specialization stage


PhD, Associate Professor E.P. Propisnova1
PhD D.I. Degtyareva1
PhD, Associate Professor M.A.Terekhova1
1Volgograd State Academy of Physical culture, Volgograd

Keywords: dance sports, speed and strength abilities, young athletes, dance sports, "tabata".

Introduction. The specifics of dance sports are such that the optimal development of speed and strength abilities is one of the factors that determine the achievement of the best sports results in dance sports [1].
The aim of the study is to develop a method of training speed and strength abilities to improve the physical fitness of athletes-dancers.
The results of the study and their discussion. The method is based on the use of the following tools, which were combined into sets of exercises:
1. Complexes based on dance exercises: turns "shene" to the right and left, foot swings, various kicks (jive), "skate chasse" (quickstep), botocado (samba), time-step (cha-cha-cha). We used 6 exercises, the rest interval between which was 30 seconds. Such complexes were used at the beginning of the main part of the training session.
2. Complexes based on strength exercises. In the course of classes, the format of mixed strength training (cardio and strength training), namely "tabata", was used. The principle of this training format is to apply a dosed effect on different muscle groups, using small rest intervals between repetitions of exercises. Thus, the load on the cardiorespiratory system is combined due to the pace of the exercise and the power load (with its own weight and weight) to maintain muscle tone. "Tabata" is a type of strength interval training. 1 cycle, which includes a 20-second load and a 10-second rest, is repeated 8 times. All the work is done in 4 minutes. Strength-oriented exercises included: squats; "burpee", lifting with an extension lying on the back; lifting the trunk lying on the back, flexion-extension of the arms in various stops, various types of "plank" (lying emphasis), various lunges, etc. When performing these exercises, attention was focused on the fact that the speed of their execution did not decrease.
3. Complexes based on jumping exercises. They included various bounces, jumps, and bounces. These exercises were of a general developmental nature, which made it possible to form speed qualities in general. All exercises were performed strictly to the music at a given tempo without reducing it. This is a necessary condition for the development of speed and strength abilities, since if it is not fulfilled, the training effect will not take place, it will be replaced by training for strength endurance. Rest between exercises was 30 seconds. It is worth noting that the musical accompaniment was used in all versions of the complexes. Complexes based on power and jumping exercises were performed in the middle and at the end of the main part of the lesson, respectively.
Conclusion. The technique, which includes sets of exercises of a dance, jumping and power nature, will contribute to the development of speed and power abilities of athletes-dancers.


  1. Development of a methodology for teaching complex coordination motor actions in dance sports at various stages of training: monograph / E. P. Zapisnova, D. I. Degtyareva, M. A. Terekhova. - Volgograd: FGBOU VO "VGAFK", 2020 – - 182 p.