Functional diagnostics of movements to prevent tennis injuries
PhD O.O. Сhaikovskaya1
P.V. Bebenin2
PhD, Associate Professor R.F. Miftakhov2
PhD, Associate Professor E.D. Mitusova3
1Federal Scientific Center for Physical Culture and Sport, Moscow
2Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, Kazan
3State University of Humanities and Social studies, Kolomna, Moscow Region
Objective of the study was to show by experiment the effectiveness of diagnostics of the functional state of the locomotor system of young tennis players based on the Fusionetics™ Movement Efficiency Test.
Methods and structure of the study. The experiment involved 32 tennis players aged 14±2.4 years: girls (n=16) and boys (n=16). The efficiency of movements in the five zones of the athletes’ locomotor system was evaluated on the 100-point scale of the Fusionetics™ Movement Efficiency Test. The statistical data processing was made using the software package MS Excel and the Jupyter Notebook (Python) environment, with the test data normality rated by the Shapiro-Wilk test. The significance of differences was assessed using the non-parametric Mann-Whitney test.
Results and conclusions. The study found statistically significant differences between the male and female tennis players in terms of the effectiveness of the hip and knee movements. These rates were lower on the right side of the locomotor system of the tennis players, especially in the girls. In terms of the quality of movements, the weakest link in both of the groups was the lumbar spine and hip joint.
The introduction of affordable diagnostics applications in the practice of training of young tennis players will make it possible to regularly assess the functional status of their locomotor system, timely adjust the training process, thus reducing the risk of injury.
Keywords: tennis, injury prevention, movement screening test, Fusionetics.
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