Educational programs in physical education and sports sector: contradictions and directions of development


PhD E.A. Orlova1
PhD, Associate Professor S.V. Sokolovskaia1
1Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod

Objective of the study was to analyze the Bachelor’s Degree programs in the physical education and sports sector for compliance with the national, cultural and historical peculiarities expressed in the federal state educational standards and world trends; to identify the prospects for further development of the educational programs.
Methods and structure of the study. The article presents a theoretical analysis of the content of the Bachelor’s program in the direction of training 49.03.01 "Physical Education" at Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod.
The overall study concept considers Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education 3+ as a way to determine the content of the Bachelor Degree program; Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education 3++ - as a way to determine the near future of the educational programs (next 3-5 years); and AMS as an approach, which reflects the global trends in the development described earlier and determines further development of the educational programs in the physical education and sport sector (from 5 to 25 years).
Results of the study and conclusions. The explored educational programs in 49.03.01 "Physical Education" comply with the requirements of Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education 3+ and 3++, but do not reflect the current global trends in the sphere of education. Their further development is ensured by the creation of new specialties based on the self-imposed educational standards and forms of additional education with the active inclusion of the methods for building super-professional skills of the future.

Keywords: global trends, Federal State Educational Standard, prospects for further development of educational programs, competences, super-professional skills of graduates, professions of the future.


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