Actions to enhance applied professional physical training program for technical university students
PhD, Associate Professor M.V. Andrianov1
Postgraduate A.G. Karpushkin1
1State University of Humanities and Social Studies, Kolomna, Moscow Region
Objective of the study was to improve the innovative forms of applied professional physical training used during physical education classes at technical universities.
Methods and structure of the study. The educational experiment involved two groups of the first-year students of the State Budget Professional Educational Institution of the Moscow Region "Voskresensk Construction College" majoring in technical disciplines. Each group was made of 30 subjects. The difference was in the selective development of the professionally important physical qualities, as well as in the application of a circuit training method in the sports classes.
Results and conclusions. The changes in the physical fitness rates in the Experimental Group versus the Control Group indicated the effectiveness of the experimental program. These changes indirectly showed that the proposed program improved the subjects’ physical fitness level, increased the Experimental Group students’ motor activity.
Keywords: physical culture, students, applied professional physical training.
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