Franchising as a promising form of organization of children health group network
Dr.Hab., Professor E.V. Kuzmicheva1
D.S. Trifonova1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
Objective of the study was to improve the means of effectivization of the network of children’s health groups in the form of franchising.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was carried out on the basis of "Futbostars" LLC. The activity of one franchisee brand "Chempionika" in Reutov was analyzed. The survey was conducted to identify the interests and needs of the clients who use the services of children’s soccer clubs "Chempionika" in Reutov, Russia. A total of 96 respondents over 20 years took part in the survey. The survey was conducted from January through February 2019. The activities to increase the effectiveness of the network of children’s health groups "Futbostars" included: development and experimental substantiation of two football tournaments among 7-year-old children within a one-year cycle as part of the campaign "Chempionika", as well as the development and implementation of targeted advertising to attract the target audience.
Results and conclusions. The study enabled to reveal the necessity to monitor the needs of clients of health and fitness services and adjust the types of services accordingly, as well as the necessity to regularly hold competitions (tournaments) within the network of children’s health groups. Regular participation in the organization’s internal tournaments and periodic physical fitness tests make it possible to prepare children for participation in tournaments of various levels and scales. The organization of tournaments enables to improve the economic performance of the organization. The use of targeted advertising is recommended to maintain brand recognition and attract new customers. During the one-year experiment, the number of health and fitness centers increased by 15%, the number of people engaged increased by 11%, the incomes of franchisees increased by more than 21%, and the net profit rate amounted to 23.8%.
Keywords: health and fitness classes, children, franchising, work effectiveness.
- Gosudarstvennaya programma RF «Razvitie fizicheskoy kultury i sporta» na period do 2024 goda: utverzhdena postanovleniem Pravitelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 15 aprelya 2014 goda # 302 (s izmeneniyami na 26 maya 2020 goda) [State program of the Russian Federation "Development of physical education and sports" for the period until 2024: approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 15, 2014 No. 302 (as amended on May 26, 2020)].
- Ofitsialny sayt detskogo futbolnogo kluba «Chempionika» [Official site of the Chempionika children's football club] [Electronic resource]. Available at: (Date of access: 16.10.2018).
- Ofitsialny sayt detskogo futbolnogo kluba «Chempionika. Reutov» [Official site of the Chempionika. Reutov children's football club] [Electronic resource]. Available at: (Date of access: 10.12.2018).
- Ofitsialny sayt Mezhdunarodnogo soveta po franchayzingu [Official site of the International Franchising Council] [Electronic resource]. Available at: (Date of access: 25.12.2018).