Actions to improve 13-14 year-old footballer training process based on individual anatomico-physiological traits and psychological and educational features of development


PhD N.I. Shagin
Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Objective of the present study was to optimize the training activity of football players aged 13-14 years taking into account their individual anatomico-physiological traits and psychological and educational features of development.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was carried out in 2018-2020 on the basis of the Olympic Reserve Sport School Yunost Moskvy "Spartak-2", Moscow. Sampled for the study were 48 football players aged 13-14 years. Anthropometric measurements and psychological methods were used for the study purposes. The analysis of individual features of development of the 13-14 year-old football players enabled to optimize their training activity in the annual training cycle.
Results of the study and conclusions. The study made it possible to determine the anatomico-physiological traits and psychological and educational features of development of the 13-14 year-old football players. The results obtained contribute to the effective individualization of training activity of football players at the stage of sports specialization, which ensures the improvement of athletic skills of football players in the annual training cycle.

Keywords: football, training activity, anatomico-physiological traits, psychological and educational features of development.


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