Development of basic ski jumping technique at beginner training stage
V.V. Zebzeev
Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture, Tchaikovsky
Objective of the study was to develop the jumping technique in ski jumpers at the beginner training stage.
Methods and structure of the study. The following methods were applied to develop the ski jumping technique: analysis of literary and documentary sources, theoretical modeling.
The experiment was carried out at the premises of the Federal Training Center for Winter Sports "Snezhinka" named after A.A. Danilov at Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture from September 2017 through September 2019. Sampled for the experiment were 30 ski jumpers aged 9-11 years at the beginner training stage.
Results and conclusions. The article describes the content of the experimental technology for the formation of jumping technique in ski jumpers at the beginner training stage.
The experimental technology consisted of the sequential operations as follows: 1) control of the kinematic characteristics of the jumping technique; 2) recording and processing of the data on the kinematic characteristic of the jumping technique using an information database; 3) expert evaluation of the trainer and detection of errors in the jumping technique; 4) development of a common goal and specific technical tasks of training of ski jumpers; 5) development of general training plan; 6) selection of exercises and training tasks to form the ski jumping technique; 7) planning the optimal parameters of the volume, intensity, and direction of training loads; 8) realization of the training plan in the conditions of educational experiment, efficiency control and correction.
The findings made it possible to eliminate a major problem for the theory and methodology of ski jumping related to the formation of the correct bases of jumping technique in athletes at the beginner training stage.
Keywords: technology, jumping technique, initial training stage, ski jumpers.
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