Integration of martial arts into academic physical education system
Associate Professor Xie Mingchuan1
Zhao Mingyuan1
1Sports and Health Institute, Zhaoqing University, Zhaoqing, China
Objective of the study was to analyze the traditional physical education system in Chinese universities with a view to actively integrate various martial arts as a means to promote health, improve physical state, and prevent infectious diseases, including the new upper airway disease, including coronavirus (COVID-19).
Methods and structure of the study. The study was carried out in 2020 at 8 universities in Guangdong (China). It is noted that, under the current conditions of coronavirus distribution, indoor sports activities are inappropriate, as this would increase the likelihood of contracting the virus. It is therefore advisable to use Qigong and Taijiquan in the open air of the university campus as sports aimed to reinforce the immune system. At the same time, it also contributes to the restitution of traditional sports with Lingnan characteristics to the cultural heritage and innovations of the campus.
Results and conclusions. It was found that the model of martial arts training is difficult not only for teachers, students have quite a difficult time absorbing material, too. Therefore, in teaching practice, it is often the case that 3 out of 24 movements in Taijiquan being taught today fall into the category of implicit knowledge, since martial arts skills are quite sophisticated in terms of technical performance but very effective as a preventive health care provider.
In view of the above-mentioned problems, in recent years, experts and scientists offer the following models for reforming the model of teaching martial arts at the university: "dilution of moves", "reinforcement of moves", "kick-center", "dilution of moves, highlighting of the attack", "one school and one quan".
The authors propose to create a new concept of "Selection of students into the center, strengthen the Wing-Chun Taijiang techniques and provide a combination of attacking and defensive actions, offensive and defensive integration", which enables to strengthen health, form new motor skills, as well as effectively prevent infectious upper airway diseases, including coronavirus (COVID-19).
Keywords: pandemic, education, universities, physical education, martial arts.
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