Health and fitness activities of young families with children


PhD G.S. Titova
Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Objective of the study was to identify the attitudes of young families towards health and fitness activities and a healthy lifestyle based on a sociological survey.
Methods and structure of the study. The questionnaire survey method was used as the main empirical research method. A total of 172 parents (38 men and 134 women) under 30 took part in the survey. Their children attended the preschool department of the State Budget Educational Institution "School No. 1290", Moscow. 35.6% of the sample had one child, 49.3% - two children, and 15.1% - three or more children.
Results and conclusions. The sociological study helped identify obstacles to physical trainings, as well as preferences in the choice of forms and types of health and fitness activities. We defined the characteristics of a young family with children as objects of health and fitness activities. Besides, the results of survey of young families with children on the most topical forms and types of health and fitness activities of preschool institutions with young families were presented. According to the data obtained, master classes are the most preferred form of interaction between parents and preschool department in the domain of physical education of children and their health. These classes help improve the pedagogical literacy of parents in the organization of physical education and a healthy lifestyle, as well as form the correct world view in children.

Keywords: young family, health and fitness activities, preschool education, physical education, healthy lifestyle.


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