Effect of distance learning on students’ physical condition


PhD, Associate Professor T.A. Banku1
PhD, Associate Professor E.P. Yakimovich1
V.V. Konoplev2
E.V. Kharchenko1
E.N. Panin2
1Branch of Far Eastern Federal University in Ussuriisk (School of Pedagogy)
2Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok

Objective of the present study was to analyze the effect of distance learning on physical activity and well-being of Far Eastern Federal University students majoring in physical education.
Methods and structure of the study. The study involved students majoring in physical education of 1-4-year bachelor students and 1-2-year master full-time students of Far Eastern Federal University in Vladivostok and the Ussuriysk Branch of the quoted university. To determine the effect of distance learning on students, a questionnaire was developed that includes the following questions: about the age and course of study, changes in the daily routine, well-being, changes in body weight and physical education and sports practices in self-isolation. 100 students were surveyed.
Results study and conclusions. Distance learning of students majoring in physical education influenced the usual daily routine, level of physical activity, as well as vision and well-being.
The results obtained in the course of the research can be used in the development of distance learning programs for students majoring in physical education. It is recommended to add home physical practices.

Keywords: distance learning, education, physical education, sports.


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