Stabilometric platform in training of gymnasts with hearing impairments
I.V. Novikov1
V.V. Novikov1
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor E.A. Cherepov1
1South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk
Objective of the study was to determine the effects of the force plate exercises on the formation of motor coordination skills of gymnasts with hearing impairments.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was carried out in two stages. At the first stage, we developed a physical education methodology for hearing impaired children with the exclusion of exercises on the stabilometric platform. At the second stage, an educational experiment was carried out to determine the effectiveness of the practices on the stabilometric platform as a means to form motor coordination skills in children with hearing impairments. The educational experiment was conducted on the basis of a Chelyabinsk special (corrective) boarding school for hearing impaired children for 3 months. Sampled for the study were 28 hearing impaired boys aged 7-9 years. Control and Experimental were formed, 14 children each.
Results and conclusions. It is shown that artistic gymnastics exercises contribute to a more effective formation of motor coordination skills and balancing skills as compared to the traditional physical education methodology. A combination of artistic gymnastics and practices on the stabilometric platform with biological feedback ensures the most efficient formation of motor coordination skills of gymnasts with hearing impairments.
The authors came up with an opinion that practices on the stabilometric platform with biological feedback should be introduced in special remedial schools as part of the physical education program.
Keywords: stabilometric platform with biological feedback, motor coordination skills, hearing impaired children, methodology, artistic gymnastics.
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