Modern approach to effectivization of short tracker training in preparatory period
E.I. Shevchenko
Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
Objective of the present study was to assess the effects of the developed training complexes on the level of development of special physical fitness of highly-skilled short trackers in the preparatory period.
Methods and structure of the study. The experiment involved two groups of highly-skilled skaters specializing in short track – Control and Experimental Groups. The study included the ice-skating tests to determine the level of development of the athletes’ special speed endurance at a distance of 1,000 m.
Results of the study and discussion. Based on the results of the test aimed to determine the level of development of speed endurance in the highly-skilled short trackers (men and women), it was found that the introduction of a special set of training means to raise the level of the athletes’ speed endurance skills improved the technical result in the 1,000 m test. After the experiment, there were statistically significant differences in the test results between the Control and Experimental Groups (p<0.05). The highly-skilled athletes (women and men) of the Experimental Group began to maintain a higher speed in lap racing as opposed to the Control Group athletes.
Therefore, the exercises sequence to raise the level of special speed endurance skills in the highly-skilled short-trackers at the main stages of the one-year training cycle proved its effectiveness.
Keywords: special speed endurance, speed dynamics, short track.
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