Technological competency training supplementary program for future physical education teachers
N.A. Parshina1
PhD, Associate Professor S.N. Gorshenina1
1Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M. E. Evseviev, Saransk
Keywords: technological competency, physical education teacher, supplementary education, supplementary educational program.
Background. In the context of the national educational system making a transition from the knowledge-prioritizing to the information-processing-and-competency prioritizing paradigm, the education community reports an objective need for revision of the existing educational service models. With reductions in the classroom hours, growth in the self-reliant studies and other innovations, the standard academic curricula are no more fully capable of meeting the future physical education teacher demand for modern technological competency; and, therefore, supplementary training curricula may be beneficial for covering the need for the still deficient educational service contents and procedures [1].
The future physical education teacher’s technological competency may be defined as the “integral vocational personal asset with specific values, priorities and motivations for successful professional service, with due knowledge in the modern educational service design and management aspects including the personality-progress-logics-sensitive general education and specific physical education and sports and health physical education service method, models and tools” [3, p. 9].
Objective of the study was to test benefits of the technological competency training supplementary educational program for future physical education teachers.
Methods and structure of the study. The 24-hour technological competency training supplementary educational program for future physical education teachers was piloted at the Physical Education and Healthy Lifestyle Applied Research Center [2]. We sampled for the study senior students (n=118) of Evseviev Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute majoring in 44.03.01 Pedagogical Education discipline and specializing in Physical Education Service. The sample progress was tested by the pre- versus post-experimental technological competency testing toolkit [3]. The 24-hour technological competency training supplementary educational program for future physical education teachers was designed to help the trainees master the health and fitness theory, practice and skills; develop the healthy lifestyle need; and master modern health and fitness technologies.
Results and discussion. The new supplementary educational program includes the following two modules. Module 1 “Theoretical fundamentals of health and fitness technologies” offers theoretical lectures to build up the knowledgebase on the modern health and fitness technologies, their notions, classifications and selection/ application requirements. Individual progresses in learning are tested by personal interviews, knowledge tests, brain-rings etc. The learning process is facilitated by group discussions, with their topics echoing aphorisms and statements of great philosophers on health and healthy lifestyle. The tests make it possible to rate progress in the health and fitness theory, health and fitness technologies, their requirements, classifications and practical applications.
Module 2 "Technological provisions for health and fitness activities" is designed to put the technological competency of a future physical education teacher on a sound practical basis, with the modern health and fitness technologies mastered in practice. The practical trainings are geared to help the trainees master the health protection and improvement technologies to be able to design the actual needs specific health and fitness service systems. Learning progresses of the trainees are encouraged and tested by regular public defenses of the technological maps for the health physical education training sessions of their own design. Final tests include defense of individual health and fitness projects – in the following fields, for example: "Target physical education and sports service models for educational systems”; "Stretching exercises in the physical education curriculum”; "Adaptive physical education technologies for trainees with disabilities”, etc.
The standard supplementary educational program training is supported by the self-reliant practices with the following tasks: compile an encyclopedia of the health and fitness technologies; present a health and fitness classifying cluster; select the most efficient active rest breaks and health and fitness minutes for standard educational service; offer a set of fitness aerobics exercises for the health sport lesson warm-up stage, etc. The final tests included defense of practical health and fitness case study portfolios including drafts of different education tools, health sport events, projects and initiatives; individualized adapted health sport services for students with disabilities; extracurricular physical education and sport programs, etc.
Upon completion of the technological competency training supplementary educational program piloting experiment for future physical education teachers, we tested the sample progress in a variety of technological competency aspects with a reflexive analysis. The pre- versus post-experimental technological competency test toolkit included the values and motivations test; cognitive resource test; practical operations test; and reflexive rating skills test [3]; with the individual test rates empirically classified into acceptable, basic and high: see Table 1 hereunder.
Table 1. Pre- versus post-experimental averaged technological competency test data: technological competency training supplementary educational program for future physical education teachers, %
Tests |
High |
Basic |
Acceptable |
Pre-exp. |
Post-exp. |
Pre-exp. |
Post-exp. |
Pre-exp. |
Post-exp. |
Values and motivations |
19,6 |
32,1 |
37,5 |
50 |
42,9 |
17,9 |
Cognitive resource |
8,9 |
28,6 |
32,2 |
60,7 |
58,9 |
10,7 |
Practical operations |
8,9 |
28,6 |
26,8 |
57,1 |
64,3 |
14,3 |
Reflexive rating skills |
12,5 |
25 |
39,3 |
60,7 |
48,2 |
14,3 |
Averages |
12,5 |
28,6 |
33,9 |
57,1 |
53,6 |
14,3 |
Conclusion. The technological competency training supplementary educational program for future physical education teachers piloting experiment with the trainees’ progress tests gave us good grounds to rate the new supplementary educational program beneficial and recommend it for application in the future physical education teacher’s technological competency formation systems.
The study was sponsored by the Russian Fundamental Research Foundation under Project №18-013-01084
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Objective of the study was to test benefits of the technological competency training supplementary educational program for future physical education teachers.
Methods and structure of the study. The 24-hour technological competency training supplementary educational program for future physical education teachers was piloted at the Physical Education and Healthy Lifestyle Applied Research Center [2]. We sampled for the study senior students (n=118) of Evseviev Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute majoring in 44.03.01 Pedagogical Education discipline and specializing in Physical Education Service. The sample progress was tested by the pre- versus post-experimental technological competency testing toolkit [3]. The 24-hour technological competency training supplementary educational program for future physical education teachers was designed to help the trainees master the health and fitness theory, practice and skills; develop the healthy lifestyle need; and master modern health and fitness technologies.
Results and conclusions. The new supplementary educational program includes the following two modules. Module 1 “Theoretical fundamentals of health and fitness technologies” offers theoretical lectures to build up the knowledgebase on the modern health and fitness technologies, their notions, classifications and selection/ application requirements. Individual progresses in learning are tested by personal interviews, knowledge tests, brain-rings etc. Module 2 "Technological provisions for health and fitness activities" is designed to put the technological competency of a future physical education teacher on a sound practical basis, with the modern health and fitness technologies mastered in practice.
The technological competency training supplementary educational program for future physical education teachers piloting experiment with the trainees’ progress tests gave us good grounds to rate the new supplementary educational program beneficial and recommend it for application in the future physical education teacher’s technological competency formation systems.