Extracurricular health sports service design and management: practical training model for future physical education teachers
PhD S.V. Bakulin1
PhD, Professor V.V. Kadakin1
PhD, Associate Professor I.B. Buyanova1
1Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M. E. Evseviev, Saransk
Keywords: practical training model, extracurricular health sports service, physical education teacher, case study, business game, professional skill test.
Background. As provided by the valid Federal State Secondary General Education Standards (FSSGES), extracurricular service means the "education service other than the traditional class learning system designed and managed so as to attain the educational service goals of the basic secondary education curricula" [3]. Modern school extracurricular health sports service offers a range of special extra progress opportunities for students to satisfy their natural communication, self-assertion and self-improvement needs [1, 5]. This is the reason why the national educational community gives a special priority to the future physical education teacher training models making an emphasis on the extracurricular health sports service design and management skills. It should be mentioned, however [4], that “basic higher pedagogical education curricula are designed to equip the students mostly with practical competences in the traditional class education service”; and, hence, the national pedagogical universities have to update the educational curricula to equip the future physical education teacher with fair extracurricular health sports service design and management skills using a wide variety of models and tools, with a special emphasis on the practical training ones.
Objective of the study was to develop a practical training model to equip the future physical education teacher with extracurricular health sports service design and management skills.
Methods and structure of the study. We used for the purposes of the study theoretical analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature on the subject, abstracts, systemic analysis, synthesis and design methods.
Results and discussion. It is traditional for the modern pedagogical science to model a subject process by categorizing it into a few modules including basically the goal-setting, theoretical and practical provisioning, substantive, procedural and progress testing ones. Let's analyze them in more detail for the new practical training model to equip the future physical education teacher with the extracurricular health sports service design and management skills.
Goal-setting module sets the key goal that is to train the future physical education teacher for extracurricular health sports service, with the goal further detailed by the following tasks: (1) Facilitate development of special interest in, motivations and practical needs for extracurricular health sports service; (2) Build up a theoretical knowledgebase for extracurricular health sports service; and (3) Develop the extracurricular health sports service skills and practical experience in the future physical education teacher for success in the future professional service.
Theoretical and practical provisioning module was designed based on the theoretical basics for the lifelong pedagogical education laid by E.I. Artamonova, V.A. Bolotov, S.A. Pisareva, A.P. Tryapitsina et al.; professional teacher training models for universities offered by E.V. Balakireva, E.M. Ibragimova, I.A. Kolesnikova et al.; theoretical grounds for a physical education and sports service specialist developed by V.K. Balsevich, L.I. Lubysheva, A.P. Matveyev et al.; and the concepts and ideas for practical academic training service by N.V. Meseneva, E.H. Mychko et al.
Substantive module offers the extracurricular health sports service knowledge and skill sets for the future physical education teacher including: competency in the extracurricular health sports service regulatory provisions; special extracurricular health sports service models and tools and their differences from the traditional class service; extracurricular health sports service design formats; extracurricular health sports service modules; interactive extracurricular health sports service forms and the applicable innovative technologies; progress planning and testing methods and tools applicable on an individual, subject-specific and meta-subjective bases. The substantive module also spells out the extracurricular health sports service design and management skills, e.g.: design the relevant health sports projects using the best applicable technologies; develop the extracurricular health sports service programs compliant with the valid Federal State Education Standards; select and classify the learning materials for the extracurricular health sports service and health sports projects; model the health sports projects sessions; and make health sports projects progress analyses and self-analyses. The substantive module gives a special priority to the most efficient practical training methods and tools.
Procedural module sets a frame for the class studies and self-reliant learning in Pedagogy and Physical Education Theory and Practice disciplines, and for the practical trainings to master the key professional skills and accumulate practical experiences. The procedural module gives a special priority to the practical tasks with professional progress tests, case studies and business games.
Given hereunder is a sample professional progress test applied in the extracurricular health sports service course of the Physical Education Theory and Practice discipline: (1) Select one of the mass health sports events: futsal competitions for courtyard teams; "Orange Ball"; "Mom, Dad and I, a sports family"; a School Sports Festival, etc. (2) Make an health sports events implementation plan with a cost estimate, statute, scenario etc.
A Professional Master Class business game mimics the professional teaching service to train the key extracurricular health sports service design and management skills, with an emphasis on trainer-trainee communication, innovative technologies and service customization and individualization aspects. Prior to the practical sessions, the students are expected to master basics of the business game format, modern physical education service improvement methods; innovative technologies applicable in the extracurricular health sports service course; sports-prioritizing physical education service; spartan movement values; presidential competitive formats; Olympic education; physical education values and priorities; historical and cultural background of the modern physical education service etc. [2, p. 54].
Then students are expected to manage the selected health sports trainings in a master class format in the Physical Education Theory and Practice classes. The business game is finalized with the students' progress tests and analyses to rate the master class relevance and benefits; teaching creativity; compliance with the service format and standards; trainer-trainee interaction etc.
And the progress test module of the new model was designed to rate progress of the future physical education teacher in the extracurricular health sports service design and management knowledge and skills.
Conclusion. The study made it possible to develop the new practical training model to equip future physical education teacher with the extracurricular health sports service design and management knowledge and skills, with the training service designed on a modular basis to help analyze the logics and hierarchy of the training process.
The study was sponsored by the Russian Fundamental Research Foundation under Project #18-013-01084
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Corresponding author: s.v.bakulin@mail.ru
Objective of the study was to develop a practical training model to equip the future physical education teacher with extracurricular health sports service design and management skills.
Methods and structure of the study. We used for the purposes of the study theoretical analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature on the subject, abstracts, systemic analysis, synthesis and design methods.
Results and discussion. The model of the process under study was designed based on the identification of its structural units: task-oriented, theoretical and methodological, content-related, procedural, evaluation. The task-oriented section of the model is presented as the main objective – to build extracurricular sports and fitness activities organizing skills in future physical education teachers. The theoretical and methodological basis of the designed model is formed by the theoretical foundations of continuing pedagogical education, academic professional teacher training, theoretical foundations of the vocational education system in the physical education and sport sector, conceptual ideas of practice-oriented approaches in the context of higher vocational education. The content-related unit of the model is represented by the body of knowledge and skills necessary for future physical education teachers to successfully organize extracurricular sports and fitness activities. The procedural unit of the model is represented by the instructor-led form of organization of classes for future physical education teachers and their independent work during the study in the Pedagogics and Physical education theory and methodology disciplines, as well as when performing the practical tasks to build professional skills and experience. The evaluation section of the model shows the efficiency of the physical education teacher training for extracurricular sports and fitness practices.