Professional teaching service values and agenda: formation progress test model for Physical Education Department
PhD, Professor M.V. Antonova1
PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Akamov1
PhD E.E. Afonina1
1Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M. E. Evseviev, Saransk
Keywords: professional teaching service values and agenda, student, Physical Education Department, progress tests, values.
Background. Modern theoretical pedagogical psychology gives a special priority to the professional teaching service values and agenda formation issues including the training process goals, content, design and management issues etc. As things now stand, the national research community still needs to give more practical attention to the specific professional teaching service values and agenda formation issues since the available knowledgebase is rather extensive albeit too general.
Objective of the study was to offer a professional teaching service values and agenda formation progress test model and test it at Physical Education Department.
Methods and structure of the study. The two-stage study was run at Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M. E. Evseviev. We sampled for the new model testing experiment the 3rd-year (n=32) and 4th-year (n=21) students mastering in 03.44.05 Pedagogical Education discipline with its Physical Education and Life Safety specialties. The professional teaching service values and agenda formation progress in the sample was rated by the following adapted tests: M. Rokeach Priority Values test; and the Professional Service Agenda test with its key component testing procedures.
Results and discussion. The first stage of the study was designed to analyze the relevant theoretical and practical literature. We found that agenda may be defined as the fundamental personality substructure critical for the individual progress in socialization and professional service domains with its self-control and management, situation assessment, responses, decision-making, individual resource mobilizing and progress self-rating aspects [3, p. 180]. Professional teaching service values and agenda in this context may be interpreted as the teacher's awareness of and positioning the pedagogical service, pedagogical communication and personality priority domains.
Having analyzed the valid educational service regulatory provisions for the purposes of the study, we found the following key standard competences versus the academic disciplines for the professional teaching service values and agenda formation in the Physical Education Department students. Basic cultural competences including basic cultural competence-2: competence to analyzing the main historical progress stages and logics for the civic positioning (general history, physical education and sports history and sociology); basic cultural competence-6: self-reliant learning and self-management competences, for progress in the physical education and sport specialist service; basic cultural competence-8: individual physical fitness competence for success in the physical education and sport service, health sports, active games etc. Basic professional competences: basic professional competence-1: competence in the social role of and motivations for the teaching service (pedagogy, physical education and sports progress related teaching service); basic professional competence-3: competence in the teaching service psychology and pedagogy (psychology, physical education-and-sport-specific psychology). And professional competences: professional competence-3: problem solving competence for teaching, spiritual and moral progress facilitation service on a class/ off-class basis (transport safety, sociopathy prevention service etc.); professional competence-4: competence in the personality, meta-subjective and subjective progress encouragement teaching service with a special emphasis on the educational service quality in every subject (with modern learning progress tests, physical education theory and practice etc.). Note that these competences represent only a small share of the total competences related to the professional physical education and sports teaching service values and priorities [2, p. 9].
The second stage of the study was geared to analyze the basic values and rate the professional teaching service values and agenda formation progress in the Physical Education Department sample using the Rokeach Priority Values test and the Professional Service Agenda componential test [1, p. 22].
Table 1. Rokeach Priority Values test data
Goal values |
3-year group |
Value group |
4-year group |
Value group |
% |
Rank |
% |
Rank |
Professional values: |
1 Active life |
18,8 |
1 |
2 |
14,3 |
4 |
3 |
4 Interesting job |
18,8 |
6 |
14,3 |
15 |
11 Learning |
21,9 |
15 |
9,5 |
5,13,14,15 |
10 Public appreciation |
15,6 |
7, 14 |
9,5 |
12 |
7 Wealth |
18,8 |
4 |
23,8 |
3 |
Personality values: |
2 Wisdom |
12,5 |
2,9 |
1 |
14,3 |
9, 12 |
1 |
3 Health |
53,1 |
1 |
57,1 |
1 |
6 Love |
12,5 |
2, 3, 5, 7 |
14,3 |
10 |
8 Good friends |
18,8 |
5 |
14,3 |
3, 4, 14 |
15 Happy family |
15,6 |
3 |
23,8 |
7 |
18 Fun |
12,5 |
7,12,13,18 |
14,3 |
17 |
Specific values: |
14 Freedom and independence |
15,6 |
18 |
3 |
14,3 |
10, 12 |
2 |
9 Good social climate |
18,8 |
8 |
23,8 |
11 |
13 Independence as freedom of speech |
18,8 |
13 |
14,3 |
4 |
12 Equality |
21,9 |
12 |
9,5 |
8, 13,16 |
17 Self-confidence |
12,5 |
6, 9, 11, 15 |
14,3 |
11 |
Abstract values: |
5 Natural beauty, arts |
15,6 |
13, 17, 18 |
4 |
19,1 |
18 |
4 |
16 Creativity |
18,8 |
16 |
14,3 |
17, 18 |
Based on the M. Rokeach test data, we found the priority values of the sample of special influence on the professional teaching service values and agenda formation progress – that were academic-year-specific to a degree. Thus the 3-year group terminal values (goal values) were found to prioritize personal life value ranked number 1; and professional success ranked number 2, followed by a few specific and abstract values; whilst the 4-year group ranked the personal life value number 1 followed by some specific values, and then the professional success value and abstract values. It should be noted that the values grouping by students was vague in many aspects, with many values apparently underrated by the sample.
The professional teaching service values and agenda formation progress tests were geared to rate every teaching service aspect including: teaching service motivations, responsibility, objective self-rating, creativity etc. The teaching service was interpreted as the self-rating in the professional motivations and teaching service capacity domains using the following three professional teaching service values and agenda formation criteria: (1) core orientations; (2) behavioral drivers; and (3) professional success motivations. We run a questionnaire survey to rate the professional teaching service values and agenda in the sample: see Table 2.
Table 2. Professional teaching service values and agenda components rated by a questionnaire survey, %
Criteria |
3 year |
4 year |
Core orientations |
Personal resource |
А. Situation-specific responses |
21,8 |
23,8 |
B. Self-assertion in service |
25,0 |
28,6 |
C. Intellectual progress |
15,6 |
28,6 |
D. Self-control in learning |
12,5 |
9,5 |
Personality motivations for teaching service |
А. Interest in the teaching service |
15,6 |
28,6 |
B. University/ department image/ rank |
15,6 |
28,6 |
C. Social value of the profession |
21,8 |
14,3 |
D. Best potential in this field |
31,3 |
23,8 |
Behavioral drivers |
Vocational self-assertion |
А. Vocational self-fulfillment |
56,3 |
28,6 |
B. Pleasure from learning and teaching service |
25,0 |
19,1 |
C. Self-exploration in communication with students |
15,6 |
14,3 |
D. Self-analysis |
12,5 |
4,7 |
E. Personal experience and capacity mobilizing in the teaching service |
46,8 |
42,8 |
Professional values: self-rates |
А. Poor knowledge quality controls |
0 |
4,7 |
B. Teamwork culture and behavior |
25,0 |
28,6 |
C. Relations in the academic community |
15,6 |
23,8 |
Professional success motivations |
Self-rates |
А. Personal experience and capacity mobilizing for learning |
34,4 |
42,8 |
B. Satisfaction with the own progress |
34,4 |
23,8 |
C. Responsibility in studies |
65,6 |
23,8 |
D. Own drawbacks analyzing capacity |
31,3 |
25,0 |
The questionnaire survey data and analysis showed a year-to-year progress in the sample. Thus 25.0% and 28.6% of the 3- and 4-year groups (respectively) were found capable to self-assert them in studies and teaching service; 15.6% and 28.6% of the 3- and 4-year groups (respectively) were tested with intellectual progress; 15.6% and 28.6% of the 3- and 4-year groups (respectively) reported growths of interest in their profession; and 15.6% and 28.6% of the 3- and 4-year groups (respectively) were tested with the growing appreciation of the university image/ rank.
The professional teaching service values and agenda formation implies not only the vocational self-identification but also progress in motivations for and priorities in the learning, teaching service, growth of the teaching-service-related knowledgebase and competences and visioning of own professional progress [4]. We believe that a special priority will be given to the students’ values building in the academic education process to facilitate learning progress and motivations and help the students attain the individual goals in every academic discipline.
Conclusion. The study data and analyses made it possible to profile the professional teaching service values and agenda formation progress in the Physical Education Department students as a part of the academic progress on the whole. The individual professional teaching service values and agenda effectively shape up the world outlooks, service responsibility and determination for success, with due appreciation of and motivations for university studies and future teaching service. Deficiencies in the professional teaching service values and agenda formation domain may stall progress in the individual cognitive resource and personal responsibility development domains and give rise to indifference and formalism in the education process.
The study was sponsored by a grant for special research in priority scientific fields for partner universities including the Yakovlev CSPU
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Objective of the study was to offer a professional teaching service values and agenda formation progress test model and test it at Physical Education Department.
Methods and structure of the study. The two-stage study was run at the Evseviev Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute. We sampled for the new model testing experiment the 3-year (n=32) and 4-year (n=21) students mastering in 03.44.05 Pedagogical Education discipline with its PE and Life Safety specialties. The professional teaching service values and agenda formation progress in the sample was rated by the following adapted tests: M. Rokeach Priority Values test; and the Professional Service Agenda test with its key component testing procedures.
Results and discussion. The study data and analyses made it possible to profile the professional teaching service values and agenda formation progress in the Physical Education Department students as a part of the academic progress on the whole. The individual professional teaching service values and agenda effectively shape up the world outlooks, service responsibility and determination for success, with due appreciation of and motivations for university studies and future teaching service. Deficiencies in the professional teaching service values and agenda formation domain may stall progress in the individual cognitive resource and personal responsibility development domains and give rise to indifference and formalism in the education process.