Gender-Sensitive Health Status Characteristics of Ex-Athletes: Case Study


PhD, Associate Professor I.V. Fedotova1
PhD, Associate Professor D.V. Tamozhnikov1
A.S. Gladkikh2
S.A. Davydov2
1Volgograd State Academy of Physical Culture, Volgograd
2Volgograd State Technical University, Volgograd

Keywords: ex-athletes, early post-sports period, gender characteristics, active lifestyle, socialization.

Introduction. To date, according to literature sources, only 12% of athletes who have a rank higher than the candidate for master of sports after completing sports activities can be considered healthy [2, 5]. a Sharp change in the usual lifestyle of an athlete after completing a sports career can contribute to the formation of disadaptive changes due to the combined influence of medical and social stress factors [3, 7]. In ex-athletes, experts note the presence of chronic diseases, a decrease in the quality of life associated with health [6]. It is known that there is a close relationship between the level of motor activity, gender capabilities and pathology of various organs and systems in athletes [1]. To date, foreign literature has highlighted data indicating pre-pathological and pathological conditions in former athletes [4, 5]. No information was found on the sociological study of chronic diseases in ex-athletes, taking into account the possibility of their active activity and gender characteristics.
The purpose of the study is to identify the characteristics of the health status of ex-athletes, taking into account gender characteristics, based on a sociological analysis.
Methodology and organization of the study. A survey was conducted using the author's questionnaire of 364 former athletes of high qualification categories (180 respondents-men and 184-women). Statistical data processing was performed using nonparametric statistics using the Statistica 10 application package.
The results of the study and their discussion. According to the results of the analysis of responses to the questionnaire, the incidence of chronic diseases in ex-athletes is distributed as follows: diseases of the musculoskeletal system-22%, pathology of the cardiovascular system – 18%, diseases of the digestive system-21%, respiratory diseases – 26 %. Men were statistically significantly more likely than female athletes to have myocardial and vascular pathology (22% vs. 12%) and gastrointestinal diseases (23-23% vs. 14%). When assessing the quantitative distribution of the information received in the questionnaire, significantly more former male athletes indicated that their health status after the end of their professional sports career does not allow them to actively engage in what they plan to do(ovali) in comparison with women (49% PS 34%). Thus, the components of the medical and biological component of post-sports adaptation (chronic diseases, a sharp decrease in the volume of motor activity) can negatively affect the process of socialization at a new stage of life after the completion of active training and competitive activities.
Conclusion. The results of the survey indicate the presence of problems of a medical and social nature associated with the presence of chronic diseases of former athletes in the early post-sports period, which do not allow them to realize themselves professionally and lead a habitual active lifestyle.


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