Functional state and social adaptation of elite athletes starting coaching career
Dr.Med., Professor O.S. Kogan1
Dr.Sc.Hist., Professor S.D. Galiullina1
PhD, Associate Professor D.I. Gerasimova1
E.A. Safina1
Master student A.R. Nurgaliev1
1Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Ufa
Objective of the present study was to assess the functional state, adaptive capabilities, and psychological features of the top-class athletes who had become coaches after the termination of their sports careers.
Methods and structure of the study. The study involved 30 top-class athletes who had switched over to coaching and 30 coaches without high sports qualifications. The subjects' functional state was evaluated based on their working capacity rates obtained in the PWC170 Cycle Test, version by V.L. Karpman. The adaptive capabilities of the nervous and cardiovascular systems were assessed based on the values of the mode amplitude (AMo) and index of tension (TI) of the heart rate on the scale of A.G. Bayevsky. The efficiency of adaptation, as well as several psychological characteristics of the participants of the experiment, indicating the levels of anxiety, fatigue, stress tolerance, were determined using the standard methods: Luscher test, Kettell questionnaire, Ehlers questionnaire.
Results of the study and conclusions. The findings indicate rather a high level of adaptation of top-class athletes' to the new way of life associated with the transition to coaching; however, there is a trend towards a higher level of anxiety, emotional tension compared to the Control Group subjects of the relevant age.
Keywords: functional state of coaches, adaptive capabilities, fatigue, efficiency of adaptation, working capacity, anxiety level, emotional tension.
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