Elite kettlebell lifters' competitive success rates versus biorhythms
PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Tretyakov1
PhD, Associate Professor G.L. Nesterenko1
M.S. Koreneva1
P.P. Kondratenko1
1Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod
Objective of the present study was to determine the relationship between the competitive activity of elite kettlebell lifters and their biological rhythms.
Methods and structure of the study. We analyzed the biological rhythms and competitive success rates of the Honored Master of Sport of the Russian Federation in kettlebell lifting. We studied the results of the top-ranking competitions (Russian and World championships) held during the last 7 years. The subject's biological rhythms were determined using an Internet service.
Results of the study and conclusions. The analysis of the subject's competitive activity revealed that for the first time a high result was demonstrated at the Russian Championship in 2012, when he completed 19 years. We observed a three-year periodicity of changes in the competitive results. During the pre-competitive and competitive activities, the changes were more of a complex nature. The analysis of the results achieved since 2012 showed a smooth growth. However, in recent years, there has been a stabilization of sports results. Despite the change in the biological rhythms, the athlete was competent in preparing for these competitions and demonstrated a high sports result. We identified individual features of biological rhythms in the athlete. The data presented in the article reflect part of the information proving the existing periodicity in man. The cycles reviewed reflect downturns, upswings, stabilization, and achievement of the high competitive results. The selected example confirms these patterns. It is important that the observed patterns are taken into account when individualizing the athletic training process.
Keywords: sports training, biological rhythms, individualization, competitions, elite athletes, kettlebell lifting.
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