Comparative analysis of state anxiety and morbidity rate in female students engaged in classical and slide aerobics


Z.S. Zemlyakova1
Dr. Hab., Professor V.G. Shilko1
1National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk

Objective of the present study was to determine the effects of the level state anxiety on the morbidity rate among the first-year female students engaged in recreational aerobics.
Methods and structure of the study. The experiment involved 54 first-year female students of 9 faculties and institutes of the Institute of National Research Tomsk State University, aged 17-19 years, attributed to both the main and preparatory health groups. The girls were divided into two groups – Control and Experimental Group, 27 people each. The Control Group subjects were trained according to the classical aerobics program, while the Experimental Group ones - according to the author's program of slide aerobics. The study objective was achieved through the use of the Spielberger-Khanin State-Trait Anxiety Inventory test and the synchronous method of assessing the emotional state of the subjects on the scale of state anxiety aimed to accurately determine the level of anxiety, which can vary in both intensity and duration depending on the stressful situation
Results of the study and conclusions. The experiment enabled to identify the periods of maximum psychological stress and morbidity rate among female students in their first year of study, as well as their significant reduction under the influence of adaptation processes and trainings in 2 different directions of recreational aerobics. It was found that by the end of the 2nd semester, the female students' state anxiety and morbidity rates decreased significantly compared to the same period in the 1st semester. Besides we detected a positive impact of classical and slide aerobics on the adaptation processes in the first-year female students in conditions of the Institute of National Research Tomsk State University.

Keywords: state anxiety, classical and slide aerobics, morbidity rate, adaptation processes, etc.


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