Physical education university students’ behavior in modern economic environment


Dr.Hab., Associate Professor K.N. Efremenkov1
PhD, Associate Professor I.A. Efremenkova1
1Smolensk State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, Smolensk

Objective of the study was to identify the peculiarities of consumer behavior of students of physical education and sports universities of Russia.
Methods and structure of the study. The economic behavior of students in 2017-2019 was studied based on the results of the questionnaire survey of the 1st-4th-year full-time students of the Russian physical education and sports universities (n=486, including 15% of 1st-year students, 25% - 2nd-year students, 36% - 3rd-year students, and 24% - 4th-year students). The main sociological survey method was a house-to-house survey through such social networks as VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, and messengers Viber, WhatsApp.
At the first stage, we determined the amounts and sources of the student budget; analyzed the daily consumption patterns of the students of Smolensk State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism; studied the students’ preferences for goods and services; identified the size and content of students’ consumption. At the second stage, we analyzed the students’ employment in study-free time: the percentage of working students, their goals and motives, income level, pros and cons of combining work and study.
According to the findings, physical education and sports university environment poses a number of requirements in the economic life of Russian students, among which the most important are as follows:
- sports activity requires expensive outfit, sports equipment and gear, etc. (15,000 RUB per year on average);
- frequent competitions and training camps oblige students to include in their small budget the necessary funds for transportation and meals (about 6,000 RUB per year).

Keywords: consumer behavior, student consumption, student budget.


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