Physical education and health work with students within "school-university" system
A.V. Lytkin1
PhD, Associate Professor E.D. Mitusova2
PhD, Associate Professor E.V. Osipenko3
1Kuban State Technological University, Krasnodar
2State University Social Studies and Humanities, Kolomna, Moscow Region
3Gomel State University named after Francisk Skorina, Gomel
Objective of the study was to scientifically substantiate the physical education and health work with students within the "school-university" system.
Methods and structure of the study. As part of this study, we analyzed the scientific literature on physical education, psychological and pedagogical problems, and studied the regulatory documentation. Also, we synthesized and analyzed the experience of the educational organization, and analyzed the school documentation. The empirical test methods included interviews with the teachers and school specialists and a questionnaire survey.
The study was conducted in the period from September through December 2019. Sampled for the study were 70 students and 35 teachers of the pre-school educational institution "Sokol". The teachers were subject to the questionnaire survey designed to assess the effectiveness of physical education and health work in schools.
Results of the study and conclusions. The results of the questionnaire survey revealed that the most effective ways to improve the quality of physical education and health work with students, in the teachers' opinion, consist in the enhancement of the quality of interaction with parents with the assistance of specialists (100%) aimed to make them encourage their children in a healthy lifestyle; transformation of the system of physical education and health work in schools (88.57%). 77.14% of teachers indicated that physical education and health work with students should be carried out based on the principle of continuity of interaction between the school and the university, with the inclusion of mid-ranking students.
The authors conclude that the format of the work "secondary school – university" will help create in the consciousness of potential applicants a more attractive image of the university.
Keywords: health, health protection, continuity, school, university, physical education and health work, sport education environment.
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