Esports simulator-based pedagogical control in supplementary physical education and sports system
L.S. Shuvalova1
N.A. Rodina2
I.A. Makhova2
A.S. Talan3
1Federal Scientific Center for Physical Culture and Sports, Moscow
2Regional children’s public organization FORS youth sports club, Moscow
3Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
Objective of the study was to develop a methodology for monitoring exercise tolerance in students within the supplementary physical education and sports system using eSports simulators.
Methods and structure of the study. With a view to monitoring exercise tolerance and eliminating the negative effects of over-fatigue, we introduced a digital technology of assessment of children's cognitive abilities during physical education classes with the elements of artistic gymnastics, using the eSports platform Click-Storm. At the same time, the schoolchildren's exercise tolerance was tested using traditional educational methods - subjective perception of physical loading, pedagogical observation, questionnaire survey, and Landolt rings test.
The study involved 18 girls aged 9-10 years, who were split into the Experimental and Control Groups, 9 people each.
Results of the study and conclusions. The study findings suggest that the use by teachers of supplementary education of the specialized software of the Click-Storm platform, namely, "Click Trainer" and "Wards", makes it possible to increase motivation for the training sessions, prevent monotonia and, most importantly, expand the volume of information being processed by students.
Keywords: schoolchildren, educational process, additional education system, physical education lesson, e-sports simulators.
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