Practice-oriented distance learning system at university


L.A. Nepovinnykh1
PhD V.N. Kremneva1
1Petrozavodsk State University, Petrozavodsk

Objective of the study was to methodically substantiate the practice-oriented system of distance learning under the academic physical education and sports discipline at university.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was carried out at the Physical Education Department of the Institute of Physical Culture and Sport of Petrozavodsk State University.
The physical education and sports discipline was based on the practical trainings conducted using the mobile application Strava. The students worked out individual programs of motor activity, under which they substantiated their own goals and tasks of physical and functional development based on the self-examination results.
In addition to the practical trainings, the students studied the theoretical material individually using the Moodle electronic platform, as well as performed different tests.
Results of the study and conclusions. The study enabled to reveal the degree of involvement of university students in the distance learning process and identify the most popular forms and means of training. This will help to further adjust the training methodology given the students' preferences, as well as develop, select and implement new sets of theoretical, methodological and practical material to improve the educational process.

Keywords: distance learning, physical education, practical trainings, Physical Education Department.


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