Health improvement technologies to excel students' physical qualities
I.M. Utyasheva1
PhD, Associate Professor G.K. Khomyakov2
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Malykhin2
1Irkutsk State Transport University, Irkutsk
2Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk
Objective of the study was to ensure the positive dynamics of physical fitness indicators in two semesters for their further growth.
Methods and structure of the study. The training sessions of the 1st micro-cycle were designed to develop overall endurance, thus, forming the energy potential of the body. The 2nd and 3rd micro-cycles, being the anaerobic breakdown phases, are energy-consuming in terms of ATP resynthesis. The 4th microcycle is a transition from anaerobic energy production to aerobic one.
Therefore, the consistent development of physical qualities contributes to the formation of an optimal physical state.
We assessed the physical fitness level of the first-year young males of National Research Irkutsk State Technical University during the first and second semesters, all attributed to the main health group (n=25).
Results of the study and conclusions. The study revealed that the organization of physical education classes by micro-cycles leads to a significant improvement in the physical fitness level of students and contributes to the effective development of their motor skills. Regular development of physical qualities by micro-cycles creates a reliable health improvement technology of the training process controlled by the circulatory efficiency coefficient, calculated as a quotient of the pulse pressure by the heart rate, which shows the total blood volume (in conditional units) per each heart beat.
Keywords: physical fitness level, dynamics of training loads, circulatory efficiency coefficient, health.
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