Software application to achieve sports mastery


PhD, Associate Professor D.A. Ulyanov1
Dr.Hab., Professor T.G. Kovalenko1
Dr. Biol., Professor A.P. Shklyarenko2
1Volgograd State University, Volgograd
2Kuban State University, Slavyansk-on-Kuban branch

Objective of the present study was to analyze the peculiarities of the use of modern software and software applications in sports.
Methods and structure of study. For the purposes of the study we applied the method of analysis of scientific and methodological literature.
Results and conclusions. The authors singled out the main areas of application of information technologies in sports: simulation of competitive and training situations; monitoring of the mental, psychological and physical health of those involved in sports; correction of the outcome of education; automation of the competitive performance results processing. The authors reviewed the popular software and noted that, alongside the programs, active use is made of the technical means (sensors) to monitor the athletes' state on a real time basis: monitoring of cardiac activity, brain electrical activity, torso position, muscle electrical activity; blood pressure sensor; motion sensor (user movement control), respiration sensor, etc.
Digital technologies open up new possibilities in sports, enabling to increase the accuracy of game results, increase the effectiveness of the training process, attract fans to competitions, ensure the safety of sporting events.

Keywords: digitalization, software applications, software, information and communication technologies, sports.


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