Kinematic characteristics of technical skills in cheerleading
Postgraduate student A.V. Petrushenko
Tyumen State University, Tyumen
Objective of the study was to identify the main kinematic characteristics of technical skills in acrobatic cheerleading disciplines.
Methods and structure of the study. The main research method applied during the study was the analysis of the Russian and international cheerleading competition rules, scientific-methodical literature, and video recordings of performances of the teams-finalists (consisting of athletes aged 12 years and over) at the championships of Russia, Europe and World Championships of 2017-2020.
Results of the study and conclusions. Having analyzed the cheerleading competition rules and the movement technique evaluation method, we found that the current criteria for evaluating the competitive and training techniques are not precise enough. The authors suggested that a criterion-specific measurement toolkit should be developed based on the kinematic analysis. For this purpose, we determined the ranges of cheerleaders' movements from the point of view of classical mechanics of rigid bodies by the postural control components, orientation of body and place of athletes in different technical blocks: stunts, pyramids, tosses, and acrobatic jumps. The identified components enabled to determine and quantify the significant kinematic characteristics of technical skills and improve the accuracy of scoring in the cheersport refereeing and coaching practice.
Keywords: motion kinematics, biomechanics, movement technique, evaluation, technical training, cheerleading, cheersport.
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