Psychological features of interpersonal relations in hockey
PhD, Associate Professor V.A. Blinov1
G.B. Evdokimova1
S.N. Mishchenko1
1Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sports, Omsk
Objective of the study was to identify the features of interpersonal relations between the 13-14 year-old hockey players in conflict situations.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was carried out using the tests of K. Thomas, L. Gorshenin, R. Kashapov (A.N. Gostev, A.Y. Nine, 1993; M.M. Shtolerov, 1999) designed to study the characterological peculiarities of athletes in three directions: R. Kashapov's temperament test; K. Thomas's test of human behavior in conflict situations; L. Gorshenin's questionnaire survey to determine accentuation of personality traits of hockey players.
Results of the study and conclusions. The personality traits of hockey players are mostly determined by their behavior in conflict situations. The proneness to conflict of each hockey player depends to some extent on the type of accentuation of his personality traits. The hyperthymic and epileptoid types are characterized by the average level of proneness to conflict. The hysteroid type is characterized by a particularly acute reaction to conflict and a high level of proneness to conflict.
Due to the fact that a certain type of temperament or type of accentuation of personality traits are associated with the behavior pattern in conflict situations, it is possible to distinguish a certain "chain" of the most frequent links: choleric person - hysteroid type - "rivalry" mode of behavior in conflict situations; sanguine person - hyperthymic type - "problem solution"; phlegmatic person - epileptoid type - "compromise".
Keywords: conflict, temperament, behavior, accentuation, character.
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