Software-based evaluation of game actions of volleyball players


A.S. Kariauli
Petrozavodsk State University, Petrozavodsk

Objective of the study was to develop and evaluate a software application designed to collect statistics on positive actions of volleyball players.
Results of the study and conclusions. The author disclosed the basic principle of the software program proposed. The software application was installed on the phones of the referees of the volleyball tournament: at the beginning of the game, they entered the data on the players' positioning, and in the course of the game, the secretary entered their last "positive" action, which either brought a point or, conversely, caused its loss. The software program helped control the positioning of players and score of the game and was easy to use.
The statistical data can be sorted by the name of the tournament, team rating, and each game action in both increasing and decreasing order. Therefore, this program can be used not only by the player to analyze own game actions but also as a means to choose tactical actions against the opponent.
The author concluded that the software program for estimating positive game actions can be a powerful stimulus for each volleyball player (his actions will be evaluated and seen not only by him and his team, but also by the players of the entire tournament) and for the team in general (the program shows what needs to be prioritized during trainings, what to expect from the opponents, and what "weapons" to use to crush them and win).

Keywords: volleyball, statistics, software, tactics, training.


  1. Vse o voleybolnoy statistike, kto ee schitaet i kak v ney razobratsya [All about volleyball statistics, who calculates it and how to figure it out]. Sports e-newspaper, 2020. Electronic resource. Available at: In Russian.