Comparative analysis of physical development rates in team athletes
B.Zh. Yadgarov1
R.N. Ruzmetov1
1Urgench State University, Urgench, Uzbekistan
Objective of the study was to conduct a comparative analysis of the physical development rates in athletes engaged in volleyball, basketball, and football.
Results of the study and conclusions. The basketball and volleyball players were found to have much in common with the football players in terms of their morphological indicators. We identified the advantages of the ecto-mesomorphic somatotype among the volleyball and basketball players, which expressed their heavy weight and high stature. However, this condition was not proved among the football players, which may be due to the precise distribution in the team, that is, position of each player.
The above data suggest a wide range of training possibilities for the mesomorphic (muscular) somatotype. Athletic performance can be improved through training programs that, in addition to technical fitness and special working capacity, are focused on the strength training aimed not only at body conditioning, harmonious muscular development but also at the strengthening of the locomotor system of athletes.
Keywords: athletes, physical development, total body sizes, partial body sizes, comparative assessment.
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