Pre-season training methods for academic basketball sport clubs


PhD, Associate Professor M.Y. Fedorova1
E.I. Ovchinnikova1
Postgraduate student E.A. Slonich1
1Transbaikal State University, Chita

Keywords: customizable physical traiing model, combined training method, pre-season training, speed and speed-strength qualities.

Background. Success of a sport training system largely depends on its strategies, excellence methods and reserves that need to be mobilized to make progress in every aspect [3, 8]. Modern academic basketball implies more intense calendars of competitions that are increasingly demanding in the competitive rules, provisions and success aspects [4]. Training system effectiveness shall be secured by the complete, accurate and relevant competitive fitness test database [1, 2, 7, 8] that provides a basis for the decision-making on the most beneficial training models and tools applicable at every training stage as required by the training process priorities and goals. Modern competitive performance is expected to be rather dynamic, fast and powerful in every attack and defense action, and players need to progress fast under pressure of these expectations. Reference literature offers multiple study reports on the issues of competitive fitness and performance albeit the study data on the team techniques and tactics are still very limited, and these limitations cause problems for the skill-specific training system design and management purposes [5].

Objective of the study was to test benefits of a combined physical training model to secure fast competitive progress in academic basketball.

Methods and structure of the study. The new combined physical training model was tested by an educational experiment on a sample of the Class 1 17-20 year old (n=18) Transbaikal State University (TSU) team players. The new model implemented at the pre-season training stage included the following key elements: (a) athletic and shooting excellence trainings; (b) integrated trainings focused on the individual defense and varied-range shooting skills, with a special priority to the speed and speed-strength qualities; (c) meso- and micro-cycle-specific combined trainings; and (d) game-role- and mission-specific individualized combined trainings tools.

The pre-season special physical fitness test data of the sample of 2018-19 were compared with the relevant test data array of the prior 2017-18 season when the TSU team won the Transbaikal Division championship of the Russian Academic Basketball Association. The comparative special physical fitness test data analysis showed most of the team being unfit for the season, particularly in the speed and speed-strength qualities and special endurance aspects: see the Table hereunder.

Knowing the team physical fitness test deficiencies, we designed the pre-season training system (for July-August 2018: mesocycles 1 and 2) that included two trainings per day, with the morning trainings dominated by 10km ‘hill running’ practices, and the second training making an emphasis on the game-role specific practices.

Microcycles 1-2 in every mesocycle included a week-long serial strength training with 10-15kg weights and 3min rest breaks. The strength training goals were as follows: day 1: dorsal muscle training; day 3: chest and shoulder muscle training; day 5: lower limb muscles; and days 2 and 4: speed and speed-strength qualities excelling trainings. Every training session was started by serial (six reps) abdominal muscle workouts. The micro-cycle 3 and 4 trainings made a special emphasis on the special endurance and speed and speed-strength qualities viewed as the core physical qualities for success in basketball. The pre-season mesocycle 3 (September) was geared to excel the attack and defense tactics and varied-range shooting skills. Progress in the special physical qualities in every micro-cycle training was secured by the special defense-improvement, speed and speed-strength and special endurance building workouts.

Results and discussion. The post-experimental special physical fitness test tests found a significant (p<0.05) progress in the special endurance and speed and speed-strength tests: see Table 1 hereunder. Particularly high physical fitness test progress was found in the 30 penalty shooting tests and 40 varied-range shooting tests. We believe that the progress is due to the new combined trainings model with its shooting skills excellence components. Progress in the high-speed dribbling was attributed to the special speed and speed-strength practices with the ball control excellence elements. The competitive performance rating data of the sample were collected from the standard statistical match reports of the Russian Academic Basketball Association’s Transbaikal Division championship, with the data including: individual competitive performance efficiency ratio (CPER); competitive activity ratio (CAR); and competitive success contribution ratio (CSCR) versus the game-role-specific model characteristics of the players in attack and defense [6] .

The sample was tested with the highest progress in the competitive performance in repossessions after shots in the both perimeter zones; and in the 2-point shots. Leading in the repossessions were the centers followed by the shooting guards and point guards. The defenders were also tested with progress in repossessions. Attack players made progress in the total shots per game, scoring shots and repossessions on rebounds in the both perimeter zones. Centers were leading in a few game actions including the 2-point shots per match, scoring 2-point shots, total scoring shots, and repossessions in the opponent’s perimeter zone.

Table 1. Pre- versus post-experimental progress test data of the sample (X±m)


Model rate, Х0

Pre-exp., Х1



Meaningful difference, p<0.05



                                                                   Special physical fitness

10m sprint, s






4х6m spring, s






Shuttle ball-control sprint, s






Speed jumping, count






40s fixed-track run, s






Standing long jump, cm






Technical skills

Defense moves, s






High-speed dribbling, s






30 penalty shots, success rate






40 varied-range shots, success rate






40 varied-range fixed-time shots, success rate






Competitive performance

CPER, points






CAR, points






CSCR, points






* p<0.05

Conclusion. The pre- versus post-experimental physical fitness test rates and competitive performance scores of the TSU team sample showed benefits of the new combined physical training model as verified by the fast progress in the team competitive performance. The model may be recommended to improve the pre-season training systems based on a set of model characteristics with application of its efficient physical training tools to excel the game-role-specific physical qualities, technical skills and tactics.


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The success of athletic training is largely determined by the correct choice of strategic directions of its improvement, search for reserves to develop its individual aspects.

Objective of the present study was to substantiate the efficiency of intensive sport excellence training of basketball players through the targeted use of physical exercises by the conjugate influence method. The study was based on an educational experiment that involved the 17-20 year-old males (n=18), members of the basketball team of Transbaikal State University, all belonging to the I sports category. The comparative analysis of the special physical fitness indicators showed that most basketball players had underdeveloped speed and speed-strength abilities and insufficient level of special endurance.

In the light of the revealed deviations from the model performance indicators, the content of the pre-season training process was adjusted.

The final testing showed a statistically significant increase of the studied indicators stipulated by the differentiation of training influences in the course of development of physical qualities and improvement of the players’ technical skills.