Personality progress agenda mobilizing for GTO complex trainings and tests
Y.B. Almazova1
PhD E.A. Lubyshev1
PhD, Associate Professor K.E. Stolyar1
T.B. Kondrakov1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
Keywords: physical education, personality agenda, students, motivational domain, self-assessment ratio.
Background. The valid National Student Sports Development Strategy for the period up to 2025 gives a special priority to modern physical education models. One of its key goals is to use the modern academic physical education and sport service toolkit to encourage the students’ motivations for physical activity and self-improvement in the physical education and sport domain, and this is the prime goal of the Russian GTO Complex. However, the national academic educational system reports the growing need for the students’ motivations for the GTO Complex trainings and tests to be increased by, among other things, new physical fitness requirements and standards with new provisions for the informational society development. The standards are geared to reverse the students’ health sagging trend by physical activation and offset the deficiencies of the academic physical education and sport service, with the powerful resource of the GTO Complex employed for the mass sports advancement purposes.
Objective of the study was to find the ways to mobilize the personality progress agendas and motivations for the GTO Complex trainings and tests, and test benefits of an experimental motivational program of our design.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was designed based on the materialistic-dialectic philosophy with its theory of cognition, synergy of theory and practice and integration concept; the P.F. Lesgaft’s physical education concept; conceptual basics of the existential psychology (V. Frankel, A. Maslow et al.); and the S.I. Filimonova’s physical education and sports concept that assumes that the physical education and sport system mission is to facilitate the personality progress and self-fulfillment.
The personality motivations and priorities were found to be determined by the deep individual attitudes to one or another phenomenon or activity, with its characteristics being difficult for the rating attempts as they are too subjective and uncertain. The personal motivations for an object or activity are largely determined by the individual needs, priorities, agendas, interests and values. The personality priorities are intimately connected with the self-identification forms often inaccessible from the outside. Attempts to analyze the others’ personality priorities may be very challenging with their outcomes, achieved by a set of indirect rating tools, being often relatively indefinite and inaccurate.
We found the following personality priorities and motivations rating elements: (1) total motivations including the internal and external encouraging and discouraging motives; (2) attitudes to the GTO Complex trainings and tests; and (3) self-rates as a result of persnal potential resource versus performance and accomplishments assessment exercise. Sampled for the study and the new model testing experiment were the first year university students (n=1,987).
Results and discussion. The personality motivations tests found 4.0%, 69.3%, 27.3% and 4% having absent, low, moderate and high internal motivations for the GTO Complex trainings and tests, respectively. However, 77% of the sample were found prepared for the GTO Complex tests due to external influences, with 37% driven by external positive motivations; 40% by the combined external positive motivations and de-motivations; 23% tested with positive motivations for the GTO Complex tests; 11% appreciating the social value of the GTO Complex trainings and tests; and 6% driven by the competitive spirit and eager to compete; although the actual physical fitness of neither of the groups was tested high enough.
We developed an experimental motivational program for the university students to help them remove the discouraging and enhance the encouraging motives for the GTO Complex trainings and tests, optimize the self-rates and improve their attitudes both to the GTO system and physical education and sport service on the whole: see Tables 1-4.
Table 1. The EG (n=25) and RG (n=25) pre- versus post-experimental motivations for the GTO Complex trainings and tests, %
Total motivations |
EG |
RG |
Pre-exp |
Post-exp |
Difference |
Pre-exp |
Post-exp |
Difference |
High |
11,2 |
39,1 |
27,9 |
10,1 |
16,1 |
6,0 |
Moderate |
13,4 |
47,7 |
34,3 |
14,3 |
17,5 |
3,2 |
Low |
75,4 |
13,2 |
- 62,2 |
75,6 |
65,4 |
- 10,2 |
Table 2. Individual potential resource versus accomplishment self-rates for the GTO Complex trainings and tests, %
Self-rate |
EG |
RG |
Pre-exp |
Post-exp |
Difference |
Pre-exp |
Post-exp |
Difference |
Professional complex |
40,3 |
54,6 |
14,3 |
40,4 |
42,7 |
2,3 |
Inferiority complex |
6,3 |
4,1 |
- 2,2 |
5,9 |
8,4 |
2,5 |
Expressed narcissism |
53,4 |
41,3 |
-12,1 |
53,7 |
48,9 |
- 4,8 |
Tests of the students’ motivations for the GTO Complex trainings and tests provided valuable data on how effective the psychological and educational support programs are to facilitate progress of the learning and cognitive functions by encouraging the self-reflections, self-analyses and self-exploration activity. The students’ fitness and motivations for the GTO Complex trainings and tests were rated by the educators and students on their own, with the self-rating accuracy found to grow with the growing physical education and sport knowledge, skills and experience.
The students were offered to rate their own attitudes to the GTO Complex trainings and tests using 16 subjective and objective functionality and physicality rating criteria. Given in Table 3 is the sample progress in the health and professional career related motivations and priorities for the GTO Complex trainings and tests.
Table 3. Sample progress rates in the health and professional progress related motivations and priorities for the GTO Complex trainings and tests
Motivations and priorities |
EG |
RG |
Pre-exp |
Post-exp |
Difference |
Pre-exp |
Post-exp |
Difference |
1 |
Appreciate health and physical activity |
33,3 |
81,3 |
48,0 |
27,3 |
33,8 |
6,5 |
2 |
Appreciate healthy lifestyle |
32,0 |
82,7 |
50,7 |
31,2 |
33,8 |
2,6 |
3 |
GTO benefits for life |
23,3 |
84,0 |
54,7 |
26,0 |
28,6 |
2,6 |
4 |
Appreciate competitions in the GTO tests |
24,0 |
76,0 |
52,0 |
23,4 |
24,8 |
1,4 |
5 |
Realize benefits of persistent trainings for success in the GTO tests |
38,7 |
82,7 |
44,0 |
33,8 |
35,1 |
1,3 |
6. |
Realize role of the GTO tests for self-assertion |
22,6 |
73,3 |
50,7 |
27,3 |
31,2 |
3,9 |
Having analyzed the above data, we see how high the actual positive effect of the experimental motivational program was in every health and professional progress related motivation for the GTO Complex trainings and tests in the EG versus RG. The high significant progress in every test rate made it possible to find the total motivations using a logical square method.
Table 4. Pre- versus post-experimental total motivations for the GTO Complex trainings and tests in the EG (n=25) versus RG (n=25), %
Total motivations |
EG |
RG |
Progress |
Pre-exp |
Post-exp |
Pre-exp |
Post-exp |
EG |
RG |
High |
2,8 |
8,4 |
2,6 |
2,1 |
5,6 |
0,5 |
Moderate |
28,2 |
71,4 |
26,0 |
29,8 |
43,2 |
3,8 |
Low |
64,9 |
20,2 |
68,8 |
66,3 |
-44,7 |
-2,5 |
Absent |
4,1 |
0 |
2,6 |
1,8 |
-4,1 |
-2,3 |
The experimental efforts to engage the sample into the practical GTO Complex trainings and tests resulted in 100% of the EG tested highly motivated for the trainings and tests versus 30.2% of the RG that dodged the GTO Complex tests for different reasons.
Conclusion. The study found the factors of influence on the personality motivations for the GTO Complex trainings and tests including: the theoretical knowledge of physical education basics in the context of the general individual and social culture; appreciation of the GTO Complex as the new mass sport system with the relevant attributes (competitions, athletic trainings, cooperation, communication, progress tests etc.); commitment for the academic physical education and sport service including the GTO Complex trainings and tests; qualifications for the GTO Complex tests; and appreciation of the GTO Complex benefits for the individual professional progress agenda, self-assertion and active longevity.
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The valid National Student Sports Development Strategy for the period up to 2025 gives a special priority to modern physical education models. Objective of the study was to find the ways to mobilize the personality progress agendas for the GTO Complex trainings and tests. The study was designed based on the materialistic-dialectic philosophy with its theory of cognition, synergy of theory and practice and integration concept; the P.F. Lesgaft’s physical education concept; conceptual basics of the existential psychology (V. Frankel, A. Maslow et al.); and the S.I. Filimonova’s physical education and sports concept that assumes that the physical education and sport system mission is to facilitate the personality progress and self-fulfillment. The study identifies the key elements of the integrated personality progress agenda including the motivational domain with its internal and external incentives and de-motivators; commitment for the GTO Complex trainings and tests; and self-assessment ratio i.e. the own potential resource to actual performance ratio.