Academic physical education as an object of state policy of the Russian Federation


Postgraduate student A.V. Sergeyev
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow

Key words: physical education of students, state policy of Russia, physical culture.

Introduction. Over a long period of time, there has been a steady orientation of the country's leadership on the importance of forming and spreading the values of a healthy lifestyle, an integral part of which is the formation of physical culture, primarily among young people.
The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the state policy of the Russian Federation on the formation of physical culture of students.
The results of the study and their discussion. Let us consider the dynamics of the development of the regulatory framework that institutionalizes public policy in the studied area. In 2000, the national doctrine on education in the Russian Federation was approved, which defined one of the goals of education to ensure the education of a healthy lifestyle. In 2008, the concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020 was approved. Among the main priorities of social and economic policy in the field of human development is considered the revival of mass physical culture and the involvement of the population in systematic physical culture and sports. In 2009, the strategy for the development of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020 was approved. Among its targets is "increasing the share of students who systematically engage in physical culture and sports in the total population of this category". In 2010 in the list of state programs of the Russian Federation the state program "Development of physical culture and sports" is created. Its task, among others, is the development of student sports on the basis of educational institutions of higher education. In 2011, the Federal law of 04.12.2007 No. 329-FZ "on physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation" is supplemented by the concept of "student sports". The fundamentals of the state youth policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025, approved in 2014, consider the constant growth in the number of young people engaged in physical culture and sports as one of the indicators of the effectiveness of the implementation of the state youth policy. The national security strategy of the Russian Federation approved in 2015 According to The presidential decree, among the measures to counteract threats to the quality of life, the government and local self-government bodies, in cooperation with civil society institutions, create conditions for healthy lifestyles, develop mass children's and youth sports. At the end of 2017, the concept of student sports development in Russia was approved for the first time.

Conclusion. It can be argued that the Russian Federation on the basis of sustainable value orientations of the country's leadership and based on a broad legal framework has a state policy on the formation of physical culture of students.


  1. Message of the President to the Federal Assembly [Electronic resource] / / President of Russia: [official site]. - URL: (accessed 27.11.2018)