Organizational model to optimize functioning of physical education and sports management system


Dr.Law, Academician EAAS S.N. Bratanovsky1, 2
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
2Institute of state and law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

Keywords: physical culture and sport, management, structure, management apparatus, management functions, optimization.

Introduction. One of the main tasks facing the science and practice of physical culture and sports management (FCS) is the creation of stable organizational structures capable of implementing all the many managerial functions. To implement this task, a special organizational structure is needed, the sociological and economic-legal justification of the feasibility of creating which is devoted to our study.
The purpose of the study is to develop a management model of the organizational structure to optimize the activities of the FCS management apparatus.
Methodology and organization of the study. The study was conducted on the basis of the Russian University of Economics. G. V. Plekhanov. The methodology of the study was based on the application of historical, logical, dialectical techniques and methods of scientific knowledge, as well as the method of social and legal interpretation of the studied terms, which allows to formulate definitions of concepts in relation to the management of the FCS.
In order to clarify the question of how much of the total number of implemented management functions are functions related to the improvement of the organization and activities of the FCS management apparatus, we undertook a study of regulations (resolutions, orders) adopted by the management of physical culture and sports for a five-year period (2013-2017).
The results of the study and their discussion. In the analysis of the special literature on the management of the FCS [1, 2] we put forward a hypothetical concept of creating a body of structural and functional improvement is confirmed in the works of a number of scientists. The obtained data give grounds to believe that the function of improving the organizational structure and management functions in the FCS management apparatus is of an independent nature and, taking into account the results of our study, is on average 21.5 % of the number of all implemented functions. Based on the above, it can be considered relevant to create a special service in the FCC management bodies-the Department of functional and structural improvement of management, which will contribute to the fullest implementation of the function of improving the organization and activities of the FCC management bodies.
Summary. Based on the theoretical study and study of management practices of the organization and activities of sports organizations through the analysis of their management decisions, the creation of organizational structures to optimize management in the field of FCS is justified and relevant. Thus three groups of conditions which can promote effective activity of the specified structures can be offered: 1) studying of a condition of the social environment, i.e. object of management and its "expectations" from the managing subsystem; 2) taking into account the state and ability of the management system to respond to these "expectations"; 3) objective assessment of the potential of management tools and regulatory framework.


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