Training process efficiency criteria in professional sambo and judo sports
PhD A.B. Petrov1
Associate Professor S.P. Bodko2
Associate Professor V.K. Seisebayev2
D.A. Pokhachevsky3
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Youth, St. Petersburg
2Academy of FSIN of Russia, Ryazan
3Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow
Key words: physical preparation, Sambo, judo, the indicator of physical work capacity and efficiency.
Introduction. The effectiveness of the training process, the use of new techniques, simulators and exercises is a serious problem that does not lose relevance in any sport, including martial arts.
The purpose of the study is to determine the criteria for the effectiveness of physical training of qualified wrestlers.
Methodology and organization of the study. The total sample (20 people) of qualified wrestlers was divided into experimental (EG) and control (KG) homogeneous groups.
Taking into account features of development of physical qualities of wrestlers the special complex of exercises which made a basis of physical preparation of EG is developed. The complex of exercises with the use of training devices, weights and weights with the weight of your own body included 15 exercises with the impact on the main muscle groups and was performed in 2 sets, 3-5 reps. Obligatory run – maximal weights when performing the final 2 repetitions of each exercise. The training program in the groups, except for the application of this methodology, was the same.
Express study of physical fitness was carried out by tests: "long Jump from a place", "Push rod", as well as by determining the pNN (5, 10) – percent of pairs of cardiointervals (CI) with a difference of 5 and 10 MS or more to the total number of CI during 1, 2 and 3 minutes of single-stage Bicycle ergometric load (e-Bike Ergometer). Individual load power (W) was calculated by the formula W (W)=Doo × 0,1 (where Doo is the proper basic exchange). PNN (5, 10) calculations were performed by a standard Excel package from a series of CI [1].
The results of the study and their discussion. At the beginning of the experiment, the test results of both groups had no statistically significant differences. The results of the test "long Jump from a place" and "Push the bar" had increasing intergroup differences by the end of the 2nd and 3rd week of training, but only borderline in statistical materiality. At the same time, pNN indicators acquired statistical significance (Wilcoxon) by the end of the first week of the training microcycle. During the three-week period of preparation, the test result "long Jump from a place" in the EG increased by 10 cm (from 223 to 233), in KG-by 5 cm (223 to 228); in the "Push rod" (relative to its own weight): 5 kg (from 20 to 25) - in the EG, 2 kg (from 20 to 22) – in KG. 8,2–17,4–26,4 accordingly; in KG: 9,3–12,5–16,1 Hm. Moreover, if growth rates and inter-group differences (Mann–Whitney) test results of physical characteristics did not reveal significant differences, the marker рNN10 showed such growth from the end of the 1st week of training for intergroup differences – the 14th day.
Conclusion. Rnn10 marker, being a sensitive indicator of physical performance, can be used as a criterion for the effectiveness of the training process, the use of new techniques, simulators and exercises in the preparation of martial artists.
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